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Author Topic: Gap between new balls  (Read 745 times)


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Gap between new balls
« on: May 06, 2004, 06:50:45 PM »
Ok! I am a league bowler and tournment player. I play 3 leagues a week and most weekends, my question is how often do u need to replace ur equiptment. To stay competative how many games should u put on a ball before its considered dead or just out of date with latest technology. Is there a difference between particle and reactive equiptment, as regards to how much of a lifespan that they have?



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Re: Gap between new balls
« Reply #1 on: May 07, 2004, 12:40:19 PM »
It may have something to do with the way I throw the ball and/or the lane conditions I normally throw on and/or my general dislike for heavy load particle equipment.

But I have never retired a ball because of lack of performance and I never clean my bowling balls. I have retired them because after numerous resurfacing they have gotten to small. I have retired them because I got bored with them. I have retired them because I wanted to use a different drill pattern. But on the THS I have always still been able to make a ball work even after 100’s even 1000’s of games.

I used my original x-calibur (a nu-line one not the Columbia ball) for years even after the core separated until it simply got too small after a resurface. Same for my original Red Pulse.

Sure, some of the balls lose a board or two or hook over time but that has always been a minor adjustment on the lane for me.

This maybe a bigger issue on sport type shots but in normal league play I find it a non-issue.