I haven't been on today, and i just logged on. And i see that BK shot a 694 for pre-bowls! 234-276-184 or something like that. Wow! Now i know for a lot of you this is barely over average, but i'm guessing in our house, that is probably the high series for all the leagues!
But, if it was me, i would have easily shot 300 the last game to get the 800.

But that's just me and how awesome i am.
Thanks though dann, i actually have a reason to bowl league now. I must defeat you.

Wait, what am i saying. I'd have a few 700s if i had a spare ball to shoot spares with. like last week. I made only ONE spare the entire series for a 601 or something.
Anyways, congrats Dann! Now you know that means i have to get the 7, right?
- Andy