General Category => Miscellaneous => Topic started by: Aristotle on May 21, 2003, 01:54:17 AM
Ok.. here are a few complaints that I have about the game/sport of bowling when it comes to my local centers.. I remember when I was younger, all of the bowling centers had a "league coordinator" that they brought in for a month or so before leagues started that year. The SOLE reason of having that person there was to get league bowlers into the door and let them know that the center wanted their business. What has happened to this person? In the last 10 years or so, that position has basically become extinct. Did bowling centers forget about the average shmoe and feel that his money wasn't worth their time? Granted there are a lot of other things wrong with the game, but I just find it really sad that the centers aren't even willing to employ someone for one month or even have someone already working there just to let them know that they appreciate and still want their business.. This prolly just sounds like a big rant, and maybe it is, but I'm curious if anyone else has seen this kinda thing?
Big companies like brunswick are trying to do that here in Jersey. All the brunswick centers are having buisnesses sign up for free bowling where they try to get you to join a league. But mostly havent seen a coordinator in quite a while.
What a tenpin?? Where's the messengers?
22 minutes? Are you kidding Bones? I would never wait that long for a lane! 2 weeks ago I waited about 30 minutes to get a stupid sandwich from a new restaurant in town (they weren't that busy at the time). Unfortunately, I had prepaid for the food, and the wife didn't want me to make much of a scene, so I waited. Guess which business won't see another order from me (or at least not for a long time)? Anyhow, I would have left that alley and gone somewhere else, and probably not gone back for a long time. Customer service sucks these days. Whatever happened to doing a job right the first time? Sorry for the ranting, but my folks are old enough they actually raised me with work ethics (I was taught not to be a liar or a thief too, so there goes any chance I have at making any serious $
no political career for me LOL). It's not any harder to do a job right than to stand around half-"donkeying" it.
Why, WHY won't the last one just fall?? It's WIGGLING for cryin' out loud!!
I have run into some dumps where the approaches were filthy and I was afraid of sticking on every shot. One of these places was even run by a very reputable person that truly went out of his way to be good to the bowlers. But I couldn't overlook the poor condition of the center.
That being said I cut down my bowling activities several years ago moving to a new town and trying to get on a league. I contacted several league officers at the local lanes, and talked to the bowling center people themselves. The people that ran the bowling center acted as if they simply didn't care if I got on a league or not. And NOT ONE league officer called me back or gave me any encouragement whatsoever. Needless to say I not only didn't bowl in that center, I wouldn't even practice there.
I stand corrected on one note, though. One secretary did call February during the season, asking if I wanted to take someone's place. Thanks, but no thanks.
Stupid idea time. Maybe the local associations should dive into their coffers and actually get someone to encourage people to continue bowling.. I mean.. they have all the info that they need right there, names, phone numbers, leagues bowled in, etc.. I mean.. it's not the job of the local association to try to make people go back to the centers that they're bowling in, however, it would be a monumental leap in customer service and could perhaps help the local bowling centers maintain their league attendence. Not to mention the fact that they will keep the association's revenues to be maintained rather than slipping.. It's all such a slippery slope with that going on, but someone's gotta do something, right?
my two biggest gripes:
1) the air conditioning NEVER cools the place down enough. this is 2003 not 1933---get with it.
2) the approaches are NEVER as clean as they should be. hello, some of us still slide ala marshall holman !
I bowl in a house owned by a very LARGE bowling company.( Being Politically Correct ). When they bought the house it was ok but needed work. From there it went into the toilet. They hired a manager that her big claim to fame was managing a Dairy Queen. She could careless about her customers. So every Thursday I would take ALL the customer survey cards from the rack and fill them out about problems in the center. Then on my way to work I would drop off 3 or 4 a day. Here are a few.
You have Urine all over the floor in the men's room on Thursday nights.
Ceiling tiles are wet and nasty.
Leaving Ranch Style Dressing under heat lights will give people food poisoning.
Air conditioning would help in Texas because it is 105 degrees outside.
Employee's should not be having romantic encounters in the cafe.
After a while the very LARGE bowling company got the hint and changed. But then they went into bankruptcy and things slid back down the hill a little. They still haven't gotten rid of the nasty ceiling.