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Author Topic: Get creative and adjust that coverstock  (Read 1025 times)

trash heap

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Get creative and adjust that coverstock
« on: March 01, 2013, 09:39:00 AM »
I have several bowling balls that just don't seem work out for me. I purchase Scout Hi-Flare Urethane a few years back. I bowled some okay games with it but my biggest problem with the ball was it just didn't finish. I tried different surfaces in the past but the ball seemed to have that same issue.

Since I really haven't been using it, I was almost ready to give it someone (doubt if anyone would want it) this past month. Well, I decided to do a different surface on it (One more time). I had it sanded to 500 (never went that low of a grit before on this ball) and then have a light polish applied.  What a difference! I took it to the lanes this week. Now when I throw it I get a nice smooth arcing ball that doesn't over react and plenty of punch left at the pins. That's what I needed. This ball now has value to me.

Lesson Learned: Don't give up on ball even after a few adjustments. There are plenty of surface adjustments out there to try on a ball. Get creative and go completely in opposite direction, you might be surprised!
Talkin' Trash!



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Re: Get creative and adjust that coverstock
« Reply #1 on: March 01, 2013, 10:14:44 AM »
Congratulations on finding what you needed.

Yes, indeed, there are more than a few variations that could make a difference for many people. The lower your ball speed, the higher the number of different surfaces that could create a different enough ball reaction. The higher your ball speed, the fewer surfaces there are that will make a significant difference.
"None are so blind as those who will not see."