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Author Topic: POLL: Any HIGH-TRACKERS out there?  (Read 786 times)


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POLL: Any HIGH-TRACKERS out there?
« on: February 16, 2005, 08:54:14 AM »

Hi guys & gals, just thought I'd throw this question out there and take a poll. I myself track pretty high (Real close to middle finger and right over the edge of the thumb. I have a few questions for you High-Trackers and ball drillers out there...

1. How close do you track to your middle finger and thumb.
2. What Layouts have you had success with?
3. Which Layouts gave you nightmares?
4. Have you had success with pin-under bridge or pin-under ring finger drillings.
5. Which layouts have thumped over your fingers?
6. Have you had success/failures with 0-1 inch or 1-2 inch pins?
7. What is your PAP?
8. What type of player are you? (Stroker, Spinner, Cranker, Tweener, Power Tweener, etc.)

Any kind of input would be greatly appreciated!

S.F. Bay Area, California



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Re: POLL: Any HIGH-TRACKERS out there?
« Reply #1 on: February 16, 2005, 05:12:26 PM »
1. How close do you track to your middle finger and thumb?
     About 1/2" from both.

2. What Layouts have you had success with?
     I have had success with different layouts, particularly pin under ring
     or over bridge layouts with the mb or cg kicked out a bit.

3. Which Layouts gave you nightmares?
     I hate any layout with the pin over my ring or slightly right and above
     my ring finger. Those layouts do not work for me at all.

4. Have you had success with pin-under bridge or pin-under ring finger     drillings?
     Most of my equipment is pin under ring and as stated, it works great.
     I do want to try a pin under bridge layout though.

5. Which layouts have thumped over your fingers?

6. Have you had success/failures with 0-1 inch or 1-2 inch pins?
     I have had success with both pin out distances.

7. What is your PAP?
     6 1/4" over

8. What type of player are you? (Stroker, Spinner, Cranker, Tweener, Power Tweener, etc.)
     I am definately a Tweener but can somewhat crank it up at times as well.

I just close my eyes and throw the ball


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Re: POLL: Any HIGH-TRACKERS out there?
« Reply #2 on: February 16, 2005, 06:50:45 PM »


  I track close to the finger and thumb hole also and I will roll over them sometimes to causing that annoying thump down the lane. however over the years I have learned how to avoid this for the most part and it has allot to do with some of the questions you asking so here goes. first I have found that balls that are "low flare" have more a tendency to do this than a high or medium flare ball. the reason being and I can't speak for you but I stay behind the ball a long time cause allot of forward roll causing the ball to get into it's axis almost as soon I release it because of the lack of flare and my release point i will track over or really close to them. because the different weight blocks and the many different ways to drill balls and just to keep it simple I will tell you that drill patterns that cause a skid flip reaction work best for me with both high and low flare balls. the patters I hate and never have worked for me are early hook patterns for the same reason low flare balls are more prone to hit my finger and thumb holes. the ball rolls to it's axis early and rolls out hitting the thumb all the way down the lane. I have had plenty of success with the pin under the bridge. in general I like the pin longer than 1 1/2" but one of my two favorite balls has a 1" pin the other has a 2 1/2" pin so different things will work for you, you will just have to figure out what they are. i guess i would call myself a tweener i throw the ball about 17 mph but not sure of my rev rate. the above is just what  I have figured out and what works for me and I hope it helps you out some


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Re: POLL: Any HIGH-TRACKERS out there?
« Reply #3 on: February 17, 2005, 08:56:26 AM »
This is awesome...anyone else out there Track High?
S.F. Bay Area, California


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Re: POLL: Any HIGH-TRACKERS out there?
« Reply #4 on: February 17, 2005, 10:38:05 AM »
my pap is 5 7/8 over and 3/4 up. i track very close the both my middle finger and thumbhole. my usual pin placement is right next to my ring finger or even with the bottom of the grip on the ring finger. i am a straighter player and prefer the down and in line with a end over end roll. i can move in and swing the ball when i have to.


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Re: POLL: Any HIGH-TRACKERS out there?
« Reply #5 on: February 17, 2005, 02:20:43 PM »

Very high track. PAP- 6> 3/8^.

1) Middle finger - ~1/2", thumb ~1/4"
2) Every kind of layout has worked well depending on surface and pin locations. Most preferred pin location is right even with or slightly above ring finger. 4.5-5" from PAP
3)Pin under bridge or ring unless core is fairly strong assymetrical as ring fingers get thumped a bit. Being a high tracker having the core face up so early with the pin down usually i burn up to much energy and hits mushy.
4)See above and alot depends on core and surface.
5)Pin unders or low flaring balls.
6)Favorite ball was 1.5" Track TKO. Pin just under diagonal edge of ring finger cg out putting it at about a 60 degree drill.
7)In introduction
8)In profile for specifics but classified as tweener. Can go plus or minus about 20revs with comfort.

Best lessons learned from being a high track with not a lot of axis rotation or tilt.
1) I love oil. Oil especially in the heads helps my ball from facing and rolling up early. Helps keep proper enrgy transfer which in turn helps my carry.
2)Dry lanes suck. I do not command big angle going into the hole and with a early roll makes carry a bit funky. (Recently tried much higher RG stuff is a big help here- Power Groove)
3) Low flaring balls- Used to have some problem throwing them as they would thump. Went to more away pitch in the thumb and slight lessening of the span with good results. (Stinger low-flare particle)
4)I don't see big gaps in bowling ball strength as the hook shape stays pretty similar. In recent years have worked very hard to learn new things to help when a particular hook shape is needed. Paying attention to RG and  differential on ball side and wrist and hand positions on the physical side.


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Re: POLL: Any HIGH-TRACKERS out there?
« Reply #6 on: February 17, 2005, 02:47:54 PM »
1. How close do you track to your middle finger and thumb.

Usually within a half inch of both.

2. What Layouts have you had success with?

All different kinds of layouts from pin-on-pap to pin-on-track, the 315 degree drill to the CG-on-pap, pin 4 inches above the fingers (on a six-inch pin-out ball) to pin under the fingers. I'm a tournament bowler; I do not have a favorite layout, but simply try to match the ball to the lane.

3. Which Layouts gave you nightmares?

When used for the right conditions, none.

4. Have you had success with pin-under bridge or pin-under ring finger drillings.


5. Which layouts have thumped over your fingers?

One 5x4 with the pin just under the ring finger and one with pin-on-track abive the fingers with the CG just under the fingers.  Others with pins tucked just under the ring finger were fine until I shortened my span by 1/4 inch (moving thumb in)

6. Have you had success/failures with 0-1 inch or 1-2 inch pins?

Yes.  Especially with the 315 degree layout on weak stuff and layouts with the pin at 4inchs and the CG on the imaginary line from the pin to the PAP.

7. What is your PAP?

Six inches over, 1/2 inch up.

8. What type of player are you? (Stroker, Spinner, Cranker, Tweener, Power Tweener, etc.)

Tweener - don't let the profile fool you.  With help from some great coaches, I've increased both speed and revs since my last CATS evaluation almost a year ago.
Kill the back row (or maybe this should read "make your spares, dummy")

Edited on 2/17/2005 3:48 PM