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Author Topic: Give me some perspective (pissed again, of course)  (Read 11147 times)


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Give me some perspective (pissed again, of course)
« on: April 23, 2014, 02:35:43 PM »
So we got paid out last night in our mostly high average competitive scratch league.  14 teams, 3 member, 20 dollar a night, only 7.50 out of that is lineage.  We have a nightly 3 game Eliminator, we also have random match play and a match play standings list.  Teams get paid by position and individuals for match play position per third, and for overall Eliminator take.  My team was in 2nd the entire year, it's a 30 point per night system, and overall we took 703 points on the year out of a possible 990.  In years past, teams got paid for total points, but apparently that's not how it works anymore.  Out of 42 people, I finished 4th, 9th and 4th in the match play standings, did well in the Eliminator, split the hi 10 hi 30 pot, got 2nd place hi 10 for team, had the 4th high average in the league, and I got a grand total of 525 bucks back (total league fees for the year was 660) . . 

Now to put this in perspective, the team that was in first the entire year, took nearly 800 points on the year, I made more than 2 of them.  The top guy on their team who reset our house average record at 240 didn't even break even on the year.  The difference between being in 1st and 14th?  30 per person per third.  The difference between being 1st and 42nd in the match play standings?  31 per third. 

To put this in more perspective, I had a bad year last year.  Not terrible, but it wasn't good at all.  Our team finished 8th out of 11 teams, did ok in the Eliminator, finished around the 20 spot in the match play standings every third, and I took home 450. 

More perspective.  My wife ended up bowling on a team at the last minute because they needed somebody.  Their team finished dead last every third, took only 180 points on the year, she made exactly 20 bucks on the eliminator for the year, and finished either last or next to last in the match play standings every third and her envelope contained 250. 

Now don't get me wrong, I'm happy she got a decent chunk of change back . . and I got more out of the prize fund than I paid into it, but not by much.  Matter of fact, overall I had the 4th highest payday in the league, but the 2 directly ahead of me were only ahead of me by a few bucks apiece. 

This seems to me to be absolutely ridiculous.  If you're in a handicap league, cool, spread the wealth, it's supposed to be just for fun.  But when you're in a high average competitive scratch league with a dress code and 2 lane courtesy written into the league rules, fines for unbecoming or unsportsmanlike conduct or not meeting the dress code, and very strict sub and absentee rules, how does this all add up to a spread the wealth payout?  Where's the incentive to bowl well?  I put in way too much effort and lost way too much sleep just to lose 150 bucks on the year.  Because of this, instead of my team returning next year, both my teammates changed their minds, because they only got back about 425 apiece.  One works an hour drive away, and the other works from 5am-9pm 4 days out of the week.  The league starts at 9pm and is usually over around 1130pm.  We put the team together with the expectation of winning money or at least breaking even. 

The tournament I bowled Sunday?  43 entrants, 75 dollar entry fee.  Got second, walked out with 470, that's tournament payout alone, didn't include any side action.  This league?  42 bowlers, 660 dollar "entry" over 9 MONTHS, 525.  What am I missing here?  Yes I realize tournaments are different, but come on . . 
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Re: Give me some perspective (pissed again, of course)
« Reply #31 on: April 25, 2014, 08:42:21 AM »
Maybe they should put in the extra work to improve or just not bowl a scratch league . .  Again, in a handicap league that's all fine and good.  But in a league that is supposed to be high average and competitive, I'm not sure why people who don't want to be competitive would bowl in the first place.  Maybe I'm just in the minority.  If I bowl a league and don't get much money back because I/the team didn't bowl well, then the goal next year would be to bowl better, not to leave or not to ask them to share the wealth.  That's what's happened for years, I've bowled this league for a long time, never been on a good team, never got as much back, but I never complained about the guys that did.  I just decided to put a better team together this year and put more effort into it.  I did, and got nothing for it, so I'm a little pissed.  In a competitive scratch league, you should make money or at least break even at the end of the year, it's supposed to be higher stakes.  That's why I was trying to ask about other competitive scratch leagues, not other leagues in general. 

It happens in every league. Some bowlers want all the money and could care less above the bottom teams. What happens to them? If you lose the bottom half because of the payout how many teams are left? Just my $.02, Bruce
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Re: Give me some perspective (pissed again, of course)
« Reply #32 on: April 25, 2014, 08:49:53 AM »
I'm complaining for the team that won also, because I made within 5 dollars of two of the 3 guys on that team, that isn't right.  If you dominate a high average competitive scratch league, you should make money, I don't care if there are 10 people in the league.  The difference between first and second every third was less than 7 dollars per person.  I just think it's not right to completely dominate a league and lose 150 bucks on the year. 

Pride and respect for the game is why you put effort into it.

Joining a league should be about what and where you want to bowl.  And if you are joining a league for the money you should be smart enough to know there is not enough money in a league with 42 people.

And if anyone has a complaint it is the team that won, not the team that finished second.
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Re: Give me some perspective (pissed again, of course)
« Reply #33 on: April 25, 2014, 08:59:10 AM »
Maybe they should put in the extra work to improve or just not bowl a scratch league . .  Again, in a handicap league that's all fine and good.  But in a league that is supposed to be high average and competitive, I'm not sure why people who don't want to be competitive would bowl in the first place.  Maybe I'm just in the minority.  If I bowl a league and don't get much money back because I/the team didn't bowl well, then the goal next year would be to bowl better, not to leave or not to ask them to share the wealth.  That's what's happened for years, I've bowled this league for a long time, never been on a good team, never got as much back, but I never complained about the guys that did.  I just decided to put a better team together this year and put more effort into it.  I did, and got nothing for it, so I'm a little pissed.  In a competitive scratch league, you should make money or at least break even at the end of the year, it's supposed to be higher stakes.  That's why I was trying to ask about other competitive scratch leagues, not other leagues in general. 

It happens in every league. Some bowlers want all the money and could care less above the bottom teams. What happens to them? If you lose the bottom half because of the payout how many teams are left? Just my $.02, Bruce

Be happy you have a scratch league even if it's just 42 people in it.  My centers biggest league is the one I run on Tuesdays.  15 teams of 5 men's league. Handicap is 100 of 240 and they wanted to raise it last year because I averaged 250 (next highest average was 220)  There's some nights I'm out of wood in the 6th frame (if i'm going at a 230 pace) because i'm giving up 50-60 pins a game (we do individual and team points). 

We have a team in our league that has a combined average of less than 900 (5 players) and they are in 2nd place.  We are in first, but from a league standpoint i was hoping they would finish in 1st (it's great for the league if a really low team wins it)  I'm by no means going to lay down for that team, but i'm in the bowling business and when a low average teams wins it keeps them coming back and it shows other teams they CAN compete against the higher average teams.  The $1000 I win from the league is no where near the amount of money our center makes for having the league grow each year.

Now my long-term plan is to get this league on harder scoring conditions.  Last year we used our normal house shot this year we used the White2 (scores went down slightly)and hopefully next year we will move to a Blue/Kegel pattern.  It's going to be a 5 year plan in my mind to get them pretty tough but the guys are buying into the idea.  I believe if you make them tougher gradually (and if you keep them consistent) people will adapt to the environment and still enjoy the game. 

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Re: Give me some perspective (pissed again, of course)
« Reply #34 on: April 25, 2014, 09:59:21 AM »
Also if you want "higher stakes" paying $20 a week isn't gonna get you there lol


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Re: Give me some perspective (pissed again, of course)
« Reply #35 on: April 25, 2014, 10:17:31 AM »
There are way to many "extra" payouts in your league for the team money to be any good.  Not enough money to go around if you are paying individual things like eliminators and match play and such.

If you finished 8/11 last year and got back 450 how is this year so out of line? 


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Re: Give me some perspective (pissed again, of course)
« Reply #36 on: April 25, 2014, 10:28:41 AM »
   This is a league we used to have in the SF area. It was 4 people a team, scratch, 800 average cap. We had the same things you have, dress code (black slacks, team shirts), fines for inappropriate behavior, no hats, etc. We were trying to attract sponsors for the league and be a high-end scratch league. We bowled a little earlier than you, we started at 7:15. The house catered to us, allowed us to start later so people could make it from, they oiled the lanes right before we started and there was no bowling on the lanes until practice so everyone had the same fresh condition. We paid 37/week (this was back in 2001/2002/2003 time frame) and it paid $10,000 for first place. The league had a minimum of 32 teams the years I bowled in it, as high as 38 one year.
    The reason I think this league worked so well, was because of the the way the playoff was structured. We had 3 divisions and bowled thirds. Every third the teams randomly drew for their division. The 9 division winners (or less if someone happened to win more than 1 third) were the first 9 seeds in the playoffs based on total points for the year (we bowled head to head against the person across from you, team game and team total points...I can't remember the exact breakdown anymore sorry). The team with the highest point total that won at least 1 division was guaranteed, no worse than 2nd place as they were seeded #1 and into the "championship match". After that we took wild card teams to get to a total of 12 team 12 teams in the playoffs. Once that is done, every other team in the league that wasn't in the playoff, rolled in a "last chance tournament" on the Saturday after the last night of league. We rolled 3 games and the top 6 teams in total pinfall advance. Then those 6 teams bowled head to head (1 vs. 6, 2 vs. 5, etc) ina two game match using our league scoring. This continued until there were 2 teams left, and they became teams 13 and 14 in the playoffs. So, theoretically, a team could go 0 - 300 for the year and still make the playoffs. The teams that missed the playoffs were then ranked from 15 - 32,36,38 and were paid that way. The playoffs started that same Saturday and continued on Sunday. Seeds 11 and 12 bowled seeds 14 and 13 respectively in 2 game matches using our league scoring. The winners bowled teams 9 and 10...and so on until there was 1 team remaining from the playoffs. That team would bowl the #1 seed on the next league night for the championship, while the rest of the league bowled in a sweeper night. So, again theoreticaly, that 0-300 team could win the $10,000 and first place. In made sure every point was worth something, cause getting that #1 seed is huge. But it also made it so everyone had a shot to get more money at the end of the year. One year, I remember, we were 18th overall, but we bowled well in the tournament and wound up finishing in 8th place and got a good chunk of extra cash per man for doing so.
      Maybe, if you had something like this set-up, you could get people to agree to a more top-heavy payout, because everyone would have more of a chance to get it. Unfortunately, I don't know if this will work in today's environment. Due to the downturn and some mismanagement by new owners of the center, this league has disappeared. The league is still bowling, but it is a shadow of it's former self. The payout is down, only 12 teams, I am guessing the playoff is gone too. But it's a thought for you.


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Re: Give me some perspective (pissed again, of course)
« Reply #37 on: April 25, 2014, 10:44:15 AM »
The individual stuff is all pretty even across the board too. 

8 out of 11 last year, 450.  2 out of 14 this year, 525.  Don't like that.  Should have been 250 last year and almost 700 this year.  If you're in a competitive scratch league with a million rules and a dress code, if you don't bowl well, you shouldn't get much money back.  In the match play standings, first gets 51 per third, dead last gets 20.  Dead last shouldn't get a dime in my opinion, in fact the last several spots shouldn't get a thing.  The "extras" used to be designed to still allow better bowlers on worse teams to be able to still make money despite that.  However, that's all evened off now too. 

I'm all for having as many people in the league as possible, but if the way we do that is by flattening the prize fund, they may as well just charge lineage and forget the prize fund because there's no point in having a secretary and keeping track of all kinds of stuff just to give everybody back nearly the same amount of money. 

There are way to many "extra" payouts in your league for the team money to be any good.  Not enough money to go around if you are paying individual things like eliminators and match play and such.

If you finished 8/11 last year and got back 450 how is this year so out of line?
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Re: Give me some perspective (pissed again, of course)
« Reply #38 on: April 25, 2014, 10:46:27 AM »
That sounds like a lot of fun . . we have a team baker tournament at the end of the year where you're seeded based on total points for the year, best 2 out of 3 to move on, so that's kind of fun, but not really. 

   This is a league we used to have in the SF area. It was 4 people a team, scratch, 800 average cap. We had the same things you have, dress code (black slacks, team shirts), fines for inappropriate behavior, no hats, etc. We were trying to attract sponsors for the league and be a high-end scratch league. We bowled a little earlier than you, we started at 7:15. The house catered to us, allowed us to start later so people could make it from, they oiled the lanes right before we started and there was no bowling on the lanes until practice so everyone had the same fresh condition. We paid 37/week (this was back in 2001/2002/2003 time frame) and it paid $10,000 for first place. The league had a minimum of 32 teams the years I bowled in it, as high as 38 one year.
    The reason I think this league worked so well, was because of the the way the playoff was structured. We had 3 divisions and bowled thirds. Every third the teams randomly drew for their division. The 9 division winners (or less if someone happened to win more than 1 third) were the first 9 seeds in the playoffs based on total points for the year (we bowled head to head against the person across from you, team game and team total points...I can't remember the exact breakdown anymore sorry). The team with the highest point total that won at least 1 division was guaranteed, no worse than 2nd place as they were seeded #1 and into the "championship match". After that we took wild card teams to get to a total of 12 team 12 teams in the playoffs. Once that is done, every other team in the league that wasn't in the playoff, rolled in a "last chance tournament" on the Saturday after the last night of league. We rolled 3 games and the top 6 teams in total pinfall advance. Then those 6 teams bowled head to head (1 vs. 6, 2 vs. 5, etc) ina two game match using our league scoring. This continued until there were 2 teams left, and they became teams 13 and 14 in the playoffs. So, theoretically, a team could go 0 - 300 for the year and still make the playoffs. The teams that missed the playoffs were then ranked from 15 - 32,36,38 and were paid that way. The playoffs started that same Saturday and continued on Sunday. Seeds 11 and 12 bowled seeds 14 and 13 respectively in 2 game matches using our league scoring. The winners bowled teams 9 and 10...and so on until there was 1 team remaining from the playoffs. That team would bowl the #1 seed on the next league night for the championship, while the rest of the league bowled in a sweeper night. So, again theoreticaly, that 0-300 team could win the $10,000 and first place. In made sure every point was worth something, cause getting that #1 seed is huge. But it also made it so everyone had a shot to get more money at the end of the year. One year, I remember, we were 18th overall, but we bowled well in the tournament and wound up finishing in 8th place and got a good chunk of extra cash per man for doing so.
      Maybe, if you had something like this set-up, you could get people to agree to a more top-heavy payout, because everyone would have more of a chance to get it. Unfortunately, I don't know if this will work in today's environment. Due to the downturn and some mismanagement by new owners of the center, this league has disappeared. The league is still bowling, but it is a shadow of it's former self. The payout is down, only 12 teams, I am guessing the playoff is gone too. But it's a thought for you.
What would you be if you were attached to another object by an inclined plane, wrapped helically around an axis?


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Re: Give me some perspective (pissed again, of course)
« Reply #39 on: April 25, 2014, 11:41:25 AM »
You want 700 for finishing second and you still want extras to pay good bowlers on bad teams while paying 20 a week.  You are just unrealistic.  If you want to give the good bowlers on bad teams to be able to make money run a singles league within the league.  Otherwise you are diluting the prize fund too much. 


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Re: Give me some perspective (pissed again, of course)
« Reply #40 on: April 25, 2014, 11:55:06 AM »
It's just the principle of it, but I asked for perspective and you gave it to me. 

And the future of the league isn't really better off . . I lost my team and there are a couple others considering not going back now because there's not really a reason to.  You could show up and put a lot of effort into trying to win and get back maybe 75 bucks more than somebody else who just shows up and half sleeps through the whole set.  I'm just not sure I've ever seen a competitive scratch league with the rules they have set up that pays out like a handicap league. 

Yes I understand you don't bowl league to get rich, but there's no incentive to try or put any effort into it.  If you're going to make within 100 bucks of everyone else no matter what, why drive in from out of town, why be kept up until midnight every night, why make sure you've got your league shirt and meet the dress code so you don't get fined, why have 2 lane courtesy, and why have to mess with trying to find subs all the time because you can only use your average ONCE per third?  Why put up with all that when you can go find some fun handicap league without all the pretentious rules that still gets you to bed at a decent time and will give you the same payout structure?  That's really what my issue is . . not too excited about losing sleep and jumping through a bunch of hoops in a pretentious league just to get nothing for it. 

The other issue is that the prize fund had to have been changed or adjusted.  No one voted on it, no one got to see it, that's just what it was.  Again, based on how it had been paid out in the past, no one was worried about it because the secretary has been the same for a long time and he's done a very good job for a long time.  And when you're already signed up and a few weeks into the league when you get to vote on a prize fund in other leagues anyway, what can you really do? 

It adds up.  Top got less, bottom got more.

If the $100 is going to make a difference in your life I'll send you $100.  The future of the league is better off with a more balanced payout.

Simple as that.

Harsh, but true. No one is getting rich off bowling league. Im having a hard time seeing what your beef is. Its like taking a job but not knowing how much you'll be paid and then complain when you get your check. When money is involved ALWAYS get the particulars upfront.

Didn't you know all this when you started bowling the league?
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Re: Give me some perspective (pissed again, of course)
« Reply #41 on: April 25, 2014, 11:57:47 AM »
Maybe they should put in the extra work to improve or just not bowl a scratch league . .  Again, in a handicap league that's all fine and good.  But in a league that is supposed to be high average and competitive, I'm not sure why people who don't want to be competitive would bowl in the first place.  Maybe I'm just in the minority.  If I bowl a league and don't get much money back because I/the team didn't bowl well, then the goal next year would be to bowl better, not to leave or not to ask them to share the wealth.  That's what's happened for years, I've bowled this league for a long time, never been on a good team, never got as much back, but I never complained about the guys that did.  I just decided to put a better team together this year and put more effort into it.  I did, and got nothing for it, so I'm a little pissed.  In a competitive scratch league, you should make money or at least break even at the end of the year, it's supposed to be higher stakes.  That's why I was trying to ask about other competitive scratch leagues, not other leagues in general. 

It happens in every league. Some bowlers want all the money and could care less above the bottom teams. What happens to them? If you lose the bottom half because of the payout how many teams are left? Just my $.02, Bruce

Be happy you have a scratch league even if it's just 42 people in it.  My centers biggest league is the one I run on Tuesdays.  15 teams of 5 men's league. Handicap is 100 of 240 and they wanted to raise it last year because I averaged 250 (next highest average was 220)  There's some nights I'm out of wood in the 6th frame (if i'm going at a 230 pace) because i'm giving up 50-60 pins a game (we do individual and team points). 

We have a team in our league that has a combined average of less than 900 (5 players) and they are in 2nd place.  We are in first, but from a league standpoint i was hoping they would finish in 1st (it's great for the league if a really low team wins it)  I'm by no means going to lay down for that team, but i'm in the bowling business and when a low average teams wins it keeps them coming back and it shows other teams they CAN compete against the higher average teams.  The $1000 I win from the league is no where near the amount of money our center makes for having the league grow each year.

Now my long-term plan is to get this league on harder scoring conditions.  Last year we used our normal house shot this year we used the White2 (scores went down slightly)and hopefully next year we will move to a Blue/Kegel pattern.  It's going to be a 5 year plan in my mind to get them pretty tough but the guys are buying into the idea.  I believe if you make them tougher gradually (and if you keep them consistent) people will adapt to the environment and still enjoy the game. 

250 average huh? Did I read that right?
NLMB 150 Dream Team


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Re: Give me some perspective (pissed again, of course)
« Reply #42 on: April 25, 2014, 12:10:39 PM »
two fitty and complaining.

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Re: Give me some perspective (pissed again, of course)
« Reply #43 on: April 25, 2014, 12:22:13 PM »
two fitty and complaining.

Not once did I complain....I said theres some games i'm out of wood by the 6th frame, I could be out of wood after 6 frames if it were scratch also.  That's not a complaint.  I'm in the business of trying to grow bowling not be like Gizmo and complain about every facet of bowling.

And yes Northface I said 250


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Re: Give me some perspective (pissed again, of course)
« Reply #44 on: April 25, 2014, 01:17:29 PM »
Fair enough.

Westerly RI by any chance?


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Re: Give me some perspective (pissed again, of course)
« Reply #45 on: April 25, 2014, 01:30:39 PM »
So how do you make something better without pointing out and debating the flaws?  Just because I complain a lot here doesn't mean I do it in person.  This is an internet forum . . I do all my arguing and debating and get all kinds of information from a lot of people a lot more experienced than I am here, then I apply that elsewhere.  I can't imagine all you guys are the same way here as you are in person. 

two fitty and complaining.

Not once did I complain....I said theres some games i'm out of wood by the 6th frame, I could be out of wood after 6 frames if it were scratch also.  That's not a complaint.  I'm in the business of trying to grow bowling not be like Gizmo and complain about every facet of bowling.

And yes Northface I said 250
What would you be if you were attached to another object by an inclined plane, wrapped helically around an axis?