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Author Topic: Give up??  (Read 6480 times)


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Give up??
« on: February 07, 2017, 09:59:27 PM »
How/when do you decide that a ball just isnt for you?

Im considering selling or putting aside my snap lock. I have tried a cover stock change already (4k grit) because I didnt like how long it was. Now it is doing what it is supposed to do, but for the most part I just dont feel its me. Now, my Code black on the other hand is a whole nother beast. Everything about that ball feels right. For the record though, they are each drilled with a different layout. Is it worth maybe drilling a different layout on the snap lock or do I just get rid of it. When is enough, enough.
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Re: Give up??
« Reply #16 on: February 08, 2017, 02:18:56 PM »
Sooo if I do sell, what is a fair price on it???
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Re: Give up??
« Reply #17 on: February 08, 2017, 02:20:44 PM »
Sooo if I do sell, what is a fair price on it???

How many games on it and hows the condition look?
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Re: Give up??
« Reply #18 on: February 08, 2017, 02:34:27 PM »
Sooo if I do sell, what is a fair price on it???

How many games on it and hows the condition look?
20-30 games tops, maybe high. great condition
Snap lock-16
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Re: Give up??
« Reply #19 on: February 08, 2017, 02:47:16 PM »
Sooo if I do sell, what is a fair price on it???

How many games on it and hows the condition look?
20-30 games tops, maybe high. great condition

Id start at 80 shipped.
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Re: Give up??
« Reply #20 on: February 08, 2017, 03:09:25 PM »
Sooo if I do sell, what is a fair price on it???

How many games on it and hows the condition look?
20-30 games tops, maybe high. great condition

Id start at 80 shipped.

Thats about what I thought, second hand as a seller sucks for sure. Thanks for your feedback
« Last Edit: February 08, 2017, 03:11:25 PM by pears »
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Re: Give up??
« Reply #21 on: February 13, 2017, 12:13:14 PM »
Soooo. I have decided to have the ball plugged. Ill eventually have it drilled with a  different layout. I think for me to sell at this point I may regret it later. It is currently drilled pin up with weight hole. I think for me, a pin down set up would better compliment my style.
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Re: Give up??
« Reply #22 on: February 13, 2017, 01:10:04 PM »

I always try surface changes first, because that usually gets me close.

One thing I've always followed regarding layout:  If a ball is drilled pin up and I can't get it right after surface changes, I can usually depend on it being better pin down, and vise versa.  The layout change needs to be more substantial than barely moving the pin right or left slightly since I'm no throbot...

After drilling lots of balls over the past 12 years I have also decided to not get too exotic with layouts.  I know what works for my game and so I tend to keep my pin placements in "an area" and then I don't need to worry about the layout, and just tune in the surface.

I have tweaked the surface on quite a few Snap Locks, and nearly always we start around the 2000 range to make it more predictable.  Fine tuning only occasionally after that...  Good luck.


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Re: Give up??
« Reply #23 on: February 13, 2017, 01:49:22 PM »
Going to 2000 grip might be an option also, I had the shine taken off with 4000 but I may need more. For me, ball for goes way long as it sits now.
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Re: Give up??
« Reply #24 on: February 13, 2017, 02:08:45 PM »
Not all balls work for everyone. Try a couple of things and move on.  Sometimes you just don't match up.  If you plug it you will have an even harder time selling. Personally, I will maybe try a surface change but if that doesn't work it's gone. I have had almost no luck ever getting a ball to get better over the long term no matter how I adjust it.

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Re: Give up??
« Reply #25 on: February 13, 2017, 03:01:31 PM »
Going to 2000 grip might be an option also, I had the shine taken off with 4000 but I may need more. For me, ball for goes way long as it sits now.

Adjust surface first.  Surface adjustments are MUCH more preferable first as a starting point in manipulating ball motion vs a layout change.  Exhaust all surface adjustments first..


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Re: Give up??
« Reply #26 on: February 13, 2017, 03:22:45 PM »
Going to 2000 grip might be an option also, I had the shine taken off with 4000 but I may need more. For me, ball for goes way long as it sits now.

Adjust surface first.  Surface adjustments are MUCH more preferable first as a starting point in manipulating ball motion vs a layout change.  Exhaust all surface adjustments first..

This sounds like the best option right now, cheaper for one plus it can be "undone" per say.
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Re: Give up??
« Reply #27 on: February 13, 2017, 05:03:24 PM »
Beaglebowl, I couldn't agree more with your statement; while plugging and redrilling does work for some bowlers' I will never go that route.

I trust my layout,  and my PSO,  with my stats,  and will exhaust all possible surfaces,  and then,  bye bye, not for me.  Styles makes balls,  not the other way around.


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Re: Give up??
« Reply #28 on: February 13, 2017, 05:16:58 PM »
Surface for sure is a first option and an easy one to make significant changes.  At this point, it looks like you've plugged but another option is to work on location of weight hole.  That would be next if the ball is already drilled.  Weight holes really do make an impact. 
You could ask your ball driller to make the Snap Lock and Code Black compliments.  The Snap Lock should be the stronger ball in terms of handling oil.  You also may simply be seeing too little oil, where the Code Black matches up better than your Snap Lock for you.

In terms of layouts, I usually don't try a second layout either BUT... when I first got a Hyroad, I really didn't like the ball.  Finally decided to plug and redrill and it turned into just about my favorite ball of all time...
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Re: Give up??
« Reply #29 on: February 13, 2017, 07:46:14 PM »
Surface for sure is a first option and an easy one to make significant changes.  At this point, it looks like you've plugged but another option is to work on location of weight hole.  That would be next if the ball is already drilled.  Weight holes really do make an impact. 
You could ask your ball driller to make the Snap Lock and Code Black compliments.  The Snap Lock should be the stronger ball in terms of handling oil.  You also may simply be seeing too little oil, where the Code Black matches up better than your Snap Lock for you.

In terms of layouts, I usually don't try a second layout either BUT... when I first got a Hyroad, I really didn't like the ball.  Finally decided to plug and redrill and it turned into just about my favorite ball of all time...

I haven't had the snap lock plugged yet, I think at this point if I cant get what I want out of it with another surface change Ill decide to let it go. When I bought it I was fresh back into bowling after a few years off and wanted a strong back end ball and that is what I assume was told to the PSO. He knew nothing about my bowling style at all. He drilled it blind to who I was. I got a strong back end, pin up ball with a weight hole. After I got the ball I wasnt surprised to see how the ball was drilled because the person that I ordered the ball from drills his stuff that way. Not what I need at all for my style. When I got my Code black my PSO had a better understanding of what my style is and drilled it in that fasion. That ball honestly works very well for me. I bowl with a 17.5ish mph off the camera, I dont give a ball that much time to do the work for me. A pin up long ball doesnt work for me.

If Im wrong in my general thinking that, pin up = longer VS pin down = sooner read, please correct me. I know more play into it but in general.....
Snap lock-16
Code black-16
Eternal cell-16