
General Category => Miscellaneous => Topic started by: baccala8872 on January 14, 2009, 11:14:21 PM

Title: Given the choice between the following ball choices.....
Post by: baccala8872 on January 14, 2009, 11:14:21 PM
......and considering all things being equal [i.e. specs, conditions faced, bowler], which ball would you buy?

I am going to my proshop this afternoon to pick up another ball.  For the most part, I face medium to medium-light oil conditions and am looking for a ball to suit those needs.  Due to my lack of rev rate and speed [I am sort of a spinner-stroker], I usually wind up gravitating to pearlized balls to help me with length and entry angle.

So, my proshop guy offered me the following [grips, slugs, out the door price]:
Cell Pearl -$180
Hy Road - $175
Widow Venom - $140

Which would you choose?  Is the Venom worth the price differential?  Is the Cell Pearl worth the extra 40?

Your thoughts?
If I ever saw an amputee being hanged, I''d just yell out letters.  --DM

Edited on 1/15/2009 8:14 AM
Title: Re: Given the choice between the following ball choices.....
Post by: makpa on January 15, 2009, 07:18:36 AM
i would stay away from any hammer/c300/ebonite stuff available these days. they die 2 quick. but out of the last i might go with the cell pearl. being a pearl ball cause hy-road is a hybrid. otherwise i would go with a brunswick swarm maybe, it is a excellent ball.
Title: Re: Given the choice between the following ball choices.....
Post by: mmcfarland300 on January 15, 2009, 07:28:59 AM
That's interesting because I have 10+ ebo,c300,hammer balls and haven't had any decrease in performace.  I guess I just clean mine like your supposed to.  All 3 of these will provide good length the Venom is the longest of the Widow line.  They are all good options it will be more about what hooking motion better suits you.
Title: Re: Given the choice between the following ball choices.....
Post by: pop_1 on January 15, 2009, 07:38:41 AM
I say Hy Road
Title: Re: Given the choice between the following ball choices.....
Post by: mmcfarland300 on January 15, 2009, 07:50:49 AM
I'm not saying it can't happen.  I'm simply saying that one manufacturer is no different than another and some balls are defective.
Title: Re: Given the choice between the following ball choices.....
Post by: MC on January 15, 2009, 08:00:30 AM
I have a guy in my league that bowls kind of how you describe your style and he makes the HY-Road look good.
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Title: Re: Given the choice between the following ball choices.....
Post by: Danes07 on January 15, 2009, 08:10:01 AM
Go with the Hy-Road.  Ball rolls incredibly well, carries very well.  What I really love about it, is that it gets good length, but when it hooks, it doesn't jump left....very smooth, controlled move.

You wouldn't be disappointed with this ball.
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Title: Re: Given the choice between the following ball choices.....
Post by: Oskuposer on January 15, 2009, 08:22:31 AM
Lack of rev and speed hyroad may be a little too much ball a street rod pearl would be perfect or even a solid street rod shined up
Kiall Hill
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Title: Re: Given the choice between the following ball choices.....
Post by: bluerrpilot on January 15, 2009, 10:28:02 AM

Which would you choose?  Is the Venom worth the price differential?  Is the Cell Pearl worth the extra 40?

Your thoughts?

Each ball will give you a completly different look and roll on the lane. You need to decide what kind of reaction you want and which one will fit in your bag the best. You need to take in account this

Cell Pearl: very skid snappy, weak to mild midlane
HyRoad: Strong 'er smooth ball with angular potential. Very good midlane
Venom: most rolly of the 3 still strong backend. mild midlane
"USBC is concerned that technology has overtaken player skill in determining success in the sport of bowling"
Title: Re: Given the choice between the following ball choices.....
Post by: CPA on January 15, 2009, 10:31:33 AM
Of those three, I would go with the Hy Road.
USBC Silver Level Coach
Title: Re: Given the choice between the following ball choices.....
Post by: keeones23 on January 15, 2009, 10:59:08 AM
I say Venom, For that price is worth it. You could have it drilled to do what you want. I had one and liked it. I had the Cell pearl and it was so/so. Never tried a hy-road but they're quickly showing up all over town.

Edited on 1/15/2009 12:02 PM
Title: Re: Given the choice between the following ball choices.....
Post by: skbowl800 on January 15, 2009, 11:33:52 AM
I would have to disagree with bluerpilot, I have had 2 Cell Pearls and both of them had a very strong midlane reaction and they werent snappy but more of a very strong arc and heavy roll with excellent carry.  It is also very versatile, I would go for one of those if I were you.

The Hyroad looks great too but I have no experience with one of those.

Where I bowl, everyone loves ebonite but the Venom is one ball that I have not seen anyone use successfully.  Alot of people do well with the Playmaker though.
Title: Re: Given the choice between the following ball choices.....
Post by: neverbackdown_x7x on January 15, 2009, 12:16:56 PM
I would go with the Hy Road but I would also look into the Loud Noize or even the Venus.