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Author Topic: Gloves  (Read 2459 times)

Matt Fortney

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« on: September 28, 2013, 06:17:54 AM »
Just curious what your guys' thoughts are on gloves. I've been thinking about giving one a try. For those that use them do you notice a difference in any way? Which do you use? The only thing I'm looking for is consistent feel from ball to ball regardless of surface prep. Drives me nuts. Curious if it will affect me any other way? Lmk.



Bernard Byars Jr

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Re: Gloves
« Reply #1 on: September 28, 2013, 07:06:51 AM »
I use a Brunswick glove to get consistent feel from ball to ball. I do get a little more turn on my equipment because of the glove. And it also helps me to relax my hand so I don't have any grab.


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Re: Gloves
« Reply #2 on: September 28, 2013, 07:25:04 AM »
I use one mainly because I have a weaker wrist ( lots of bike accidents as a kid :P ). For me it just keeps things stable but still allows me to flatten things out if needed. Probably do get a bit more turn on the ball but hard to say since I've pretty much always used one.

Matt Fortney

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Re: Gloves
« Reply #3 on: September 28, 2013, 07:33:57 AM »
Fair enough, thanks for the replies guys. Ultimately, I know its one of those...only one way to find put things, but I was just wondering. Thanks again.


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Re: Gloves
« Reply #4 on: September 28, 2013, 07:41:36 AM »
A couple of notes/warnings on gloves/wrist supports:

- most gloves will cause your span to change from what you use without a glove. Sometimes a little, sometimes a lot, but the thing to remember is the ball and span will feel different as you switch between them.

- most gloves will give you a few more revs due to the stiff/straight support to the back of the hand/wrist. This seems to allow you to use even less pressure to hold a ball and allows your thumb to exit even quicker than without the glove. I'll often remove the glove to get less revs when the lanes seem to be too reactive.

- Many people remove the glove to shoot spares; this helps them throw the spare ball straighter.

- Use of the glove can weaken your wrist muscles over time because it does a lot of the work that your wrist does naturally. While this helps when you use the glove, it can, over time, hinder the throwing of your strike ball when you decide to remove the glove. (Of course, people with very strong hands & wrists, people who work with their hands, will have less trouble than those who work at desks

- There are a huge range of "feel" with gloves, from the Mongoose series which just have a cloth strap going across the palm and cloth covered metal brace across the back of the hand/wrist, to some that are also literally robotic arms/wrist replacements: Vise-Grips, Robby Revs, Moro Pro Release, etc.
"None are so blind as those who will not see."


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Re: Gloves
« Reply #5 on: September 28, 2013, 03:24:14 PM »
I've been using wrist supports for several years.  Right now I'm using the Ebonite Z-Loc 1 which has the extended index finger.  It's not adjustable but I feel that it helps keep my wrist firm and the extended finger seems to give me a little more length and more back-end hook.  Also feel like my thumb gets out better.  ( All of this helps me because I'm OLD)  Did have to have all my bowling balls adjusted for a little difference in the span.  In the past I have used the Robby's rev and the Moro Pro extended both of which are adjustable for different hand and wrist positions.  Of those, the Moro would be my favorite but requires the most span adjustment.  Also, I don't take it off for spares, I just change to a plastic ball.

You might ask your proshop to let you try one out before you buy it. Our local shop will let us do that.

Hope this helps.


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Re: Gloves
« Reply #6 on: September 29, 2013, 08:48:11 AM »
i have used many different types over the years
used a simple Ebonite Reacta/R glove foryears

Now, without one for a year, I find that no glove works better for me.
I was (still am) working on a solid fundamental game.
Once I corrected most of the hand/grip issues..(squeezing it, coming out of it to soon, to late, etc)
I now feel that I do not need one, my release has been much better
I will qualify this by saying that I went to gold coach/driller that changed my grip based on my thumb, finger flexibility and ovaled my thumb more.
Now, the ball comes off as it should.
Proper taping is also something I had to learn as I had not used any for many years
I have been bowling for alot of years, have multiple honor scores, practice a bunch.
Just now in my late 40's have I found some folks who really know the fine points of the game.

So, with the proper fit and assuming no hand/wrist injuries, you should not need a glove