I've looked at a few balls for the upcoming fall leagues. I've decided to go with a Storm Super Charge to sort of replace my worn out Tour Power (no label) I was thinking of a pearl or a particle pearl. Does anyone have any suggestions? I've scored well with an El Nino 2000 in the past.
I'm looking for a strong pearl reactive or particle pearl. I want to really open up the lane once it gets dry. I have a pearl beast that is really tame. Need something to open up dryer conditions when the super charge is not getting to the break point. I'm not partial to any manifactor.
I've had success with most any brand. Including Lane#1, MoRich, Storm, Ebonite, Columbia300, Track, and AMF. I would like to try something from a smaller company. I like being the guy with the equipment that no one else has....
Thanks for any insight.