Anyone have any suggestions on a med/light oil ball for my fiancee?
She has low ball speed(13mph or so) & low/medium revs. She currently has a black widow pearl that she really likes, but when the lanes break down, it burns up & she has no chance at scoring.
Im needing something that wont burn up on her, & will give her nice length without too much hook, but still carries.
My first thought was a l/lm hornet....although, thats because i really like L/LM stuff. Our other choice is a T-road pearl.
Any & all suggestions would be great, we arent set on anything right now, just trying to find something that will fit the bill.
Oh, BTW, she just shot her first 600 series tonight!!!! Also her highest game ever...a 247!!!
Im so proud of her, i have to get her something to reward her for her accomplishment, HELP ME HELP HER!!!!
Anyway, enough rambling, help meh please.