It is funny, and not a coincidence, that bowling and golf have had a lot of tech advances, and that the regulatory bodies of both sports have invested a lot of time and money into researching the same basic physics of round, spinning objects traveling toward a distant target. They have researched coefficient of restitution (COR), rebound/spring effect, surface dynamics, core size/shape/rg/diff and cover hardness or softness, to name a few. Different games, but not so different issues.
The new elite young players are intelligent, physically gifted, well schooled in their craft from a young age and unafraid to go for broke. The advantage of experience is still present, but at times it shrinks in the face of someone who matches their game up very well with the conditions at hand. Hate it if you want, but I can tell you from my experience that whining never improved my game, or attitude, but hard work and a willingness to try something different or uncomfortable can yield results if you really want to continue to try and be your best!