For three weeks in a row, I have felt on Tuesdays in my industrial league that I'm mired in a slump to the point that no matter how much I try to change things up (be it ball selection, angle of entry, hand release, speed, loft or no loft, etc...) nothing seems to be working comfortably. It's a weird kind of slump because in all other aspects of league and tournament bowling this year, I've been averaging much better than at any other time in my career. Yet within the walls of Playaway Lanes, I'm sitting 10 pins below my last year's average with half a season left to go.
I charted my shots this evening to see what I could gain as far as information for things to work on. I threw 7 strikes in 3 games (2 doubles), left 12 single pins (making 11), left 2 splits (making both), missed the head pin 8 shots (which resulted in 3 more opens) and chopped one multi-pin (non-head pin) spare. My father believes that I was struggling due to the fact that with my lower ball speed to get through the oil, I was dropping the ball early on the lane (right at the foul line) and the ball didn't have enough energy when going through the pocket area. I started the night with my Animal, moved to the Rule, then the Barrage for a game and a half before finishing with the Rule. I could hit the pocket decently with the Barrage, but would ring 7 pins and leave a lot of 10 pins...
I have plans to seek out a coach as I haven't had one in my game for at least a decade and would like to see what improvements I can make from there. I think one of the things I'm going to do next week is change up my normal routine of warming up for a couple of games on the pair next to us before our normal 5 minutes of practice begins. Outside of working on a better mental game for this house, what types of recommendations/suggestions would you do if you were in this type of mini-slump?
The high average in this house right now is 193, and I'm currently second high with a 183 if that tells you what this house can be like. Usually triple oiled heads to 15 feet, buffed double from there to 38 feet. Heavier oil outside of 8, medium inside of there...wood lanes, burnt heads, moderate but not overly powerful backends. Poor sidewall action as well...
Maybe I'm just ranting as Charlest did about his Monday league a couple of weeks ago, I just would like to see something work on Tuesdays before the season ends.