
General Category => Miscellaneous => Topic started by: Grayson on June 17, 2008, 11:52:37 PM

Title: Good for one game... skip the rest
Post by: Grayson on June 17, 2008, 11:52:37 PM
Yesterday was a bad day... really bad.

I mean right now I am working my way out of a slump/training hole as I not only am "slumping" but also changing mayor things in my game and finally am getting somewhere I say "'s ok".

So yesterday in house league (no real summer league in Germany) I was not only fighting my bowling but was also tired and bad tempered (as I am almost always when I am tired) so I just took one ball to league with a "I don't care sh1t!" attitude.

... ok ok ok... not really fair you might say in regards to my team but yesterdays game was not counting anything... not worth a nickel as we and the other team are far away from place 3 and also have no danger to fall down one league.

And guess what... I shot 221 the first game with only one open frame.
Well my mood was rising somehow a bit but still tired and "slumpy".

What happens? I shoot 135 with split after split and a lot of lousy silly spare-shooting-misstakes.

What the **** is this?

Do I have to be bad tempered and tired to shoot a good game and then pack my things together and leave cause there will not be any other good one?
CANT BE IT! don't you think?

Mental game... and wrong adjustments in combination with fugging lousy sparegame. DOH!
Sebastian Koch
"Have fun and bowl well!"<font face=''Comic Sans MS''></font id=''Comic Sans MS''> - Grayson
"Some things are made so even idiots won''t fail using them.... But I ask what about the genius?"<font face=''Comic Sans MS''></font id=''Comic Sans MS''> - Grayson


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Edited on 6/18/2008 7:58 AM
Title: Re: Good for one game... skip the rest
Post by: n00dlejester on June 18, 2008, 08:08:14 AM
Grayson, I feel your pain man.

Lately I've been changing a lot of things in my game, and it's pestering me quite a bit.  It's hard to stay on top of my game with too many lousy thoughts.  But the best way for me to break out of a funk is to just practice practice practice.  It's not even like my average is suffering that much (I'm down about 10 pins in THS, about the same on PBAx), it's just that my high games are higher, and my low games are lower.  Very strange issue, but I'm sure with more hard work it'll be alright.
Obviously, you aren't a golfer.
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Title: Re: Good for one game... skip the rest
Post by: dizzyfugu on June 18, 2008, 08:24:12 AM
That's the fun of bowling...
Last weekend I played at the NWT start in Duisburg, made a very good qualification on Saturday (temporarily 22nd place overall!), but in the elimination round on Sunday I started out with a crappy 150, after the warm-up shots had been O.K. I was uber-tense and cautious - played far tooo close to the gutter, had the ball break a tad too early and go Brooklyn on most shots. Left one 6-10, and cleanly picked the 6. Next shot another 6-10, this time I cleanly picked the 10. And the next shot was a glorious 6-7-9-10, and the game was gone for good... And my opponent played simply very well.

But, instead of giving up or getting anxious, I kept calm. I had nothing to lose but the final game, so I decided to play more relaxed and with a deeper line, with which I felt more comfortable. I just played on s I had done before - and without a problem I opened with a Turkey and shot a 207 to beat my opponent this time, but with the crappy 150 it had not been enough at all to move on in the ranks. But it was O.K., and the result well justified.

What I learned: stay cool, and do not stick do fuzzy ideas how the lanes HAS to be played. Proper ball reaction observation and the right attitude wins half of the game, and builds confidence.
DizzyFugu (http://"") - Reporting from Germany

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Edited on 6/18/2008 8:24 AM
Title: Re: Good for one game... skip the rest
Post by: ibowled286 on June 18, 2008, 08:35:51 AM
Yeah my past friday night league was rough on me as well.  I have about a 205 avg, and I really felt like I was throwing the ball well, but I just could not carry no matter what I did.  I think over the three games I left 6- 10 pins, 4-7 pins  2-8 pins and a 9 pin all on stuff I thought looked good, or at least ok.  no matter what I did I could not string more than 2 in a row. it ended up just being a long night, thankfully I was half way on in my spare game to save a 580 series, but felt like it should have been an easy 650+.
Title: Re: Good for one game... skip the rest
Post by: Grayson on June 19, 2008, 02:28:34 PM
hey hey hey... I took my time today and trained spare shooting and it worked out... I took my time on the approach to get my game together and it worked out!

shot 178 for warmup
197 which couls have been 200 easily for I spoiled the 9th and 10th frame

three games for spare shooting... forget the score.

people I am getting my bowling good again.. one step at a time.

PLUS: I took a bit of Beans polish and polsihed my Track Machine up a tad.

it was at 1000 (scotchbright) and later in the league picked upt too early I guess... burning up a bit.

It lost a bit of hook in the early games... but I am facing a broader THS with a nice dry zone outside (no wall! miss and you'll be sorry!... and even if you get the pocket... you don't get a strike with our heavy pins. whatever... it is not that hard as a sport shot but it is anything but a THS!)

... but back to my MAchine... it is a bit weaker the first games on the midlane but recovers better on the backend giving me better carry and I can play the ball longer.

I guess this also has hepled be get more confidence... than the weak hitting not recovering ball I had before the polish

Sebastian Koch
"Have fun and bowl well!" - Grayson
"Some things are made so even idiots won't fail using them.... But I ask what about the genius?" - Grayson


Unoffical FAQ (http://"")
Hot Water Bath - instructions and experience (http://"")

Edited on 6/19/2008 3:15 PM

Edited on 6/19/2008 3:21 PM
Title: Re: Good for one game... skip the rest
Post by: tenpin477 on June 19, 2008, 11:00:21 PM
Its ok. I had a night tuesday night, where after only a few shots I could tell just wasn't going to be my night.

My second game I managed to leave the 1-3-5-6, and took the 3-5 right out. I kind of gave up after that lmao.