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Author Topic: Good luck to Pchee2, CB, Mrs Saw Mill and others at the State Tourney  (Read 2740 times)


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Pchee2, CB, Mrs Saw Mill, Mike, Mike's Mother, good luck at the State Tournament this weekend.  I'm sure Fukmi will be there to keep you company.

Saw Mill, stay back, way back from the sette area, maybe every time you get ready to interject, pinch yourself or something first.


Nicanor (Fullfills California women's desires, then put out their fires)
Nicanor (Ten On The Deck)



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Thanks Nicanor...I heard the shot is pretty tough...probably gonna have to play deep inside maybe around 5th arrow out to 15. Are you bowling state too? Ill give you feedback after we get done. Should be fun.



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Nicanor, thanks it should be interesting to say the least.  I am looking forward to bowling and seeing how it goes.  

Dave, NO COACHING of anyone!  Let Vivian do her thing her way!
I have no life, therefore I bowl or I bowl, therefore I have no life? Okay here is the truth I bowl, therefore there is life
USBC Bronze Certified Coach


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You have a great knowledge of the game and an outstanding coach, but they should have rules like they do in YABA, no coaching unless the junior asks for help.

I have seen Vivian, CB, KoMike and KoMike's mother bowl and they really do have a great chance of making money, the wild card is Pchee2. What Pchee2 will show up?  That will be the question.

You're right Dave, getting on the base is tough and its a good thing yu'll be able to shuttle them on and off the base.  It will be a lot less frustrating.

Good luck to all of you.


Nicanor (Fullfills California women's desires, then put out their fires)
Nicanor (Ten On The Deck)


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Dave - don't mind them.  True geniuses like us, are not appreciated in our own time. LOL

Regards and best of luck to the team.

CB - Just do it.





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Nic:  Wish you could have had some words of encouragement for us as well;  we sure coulda used them last Saturday...

The skinny:  We bowled the 12:30 PM team squad on Saturday, and the pattern was pretty flat at the start with strong back ends.  Of course, this type of shot can fool you into thinking that you can play the house track, and you can, for a while, like maybe three frames or so.  When the oil pushes, the shot starts to play like a reverse block in a hurry;  get it going right and it stays right, square up and it hooks a bunch in back.  So from there, you're looking at two options.  The first option is to move towards the gutter and play up the lane (around first arrow) with *really* soft speed, because there's still quite a bit of conditioner out there.  Great in theory, but a hair too fast, and it's three off the right;  soften up too much and it's through the face or Brooklyn.  The other option is to take it deep inside, to the fifth or sixth arrow, and play up against the left-side oil.  This was how I ended up playing them;  the out-of-bounds to the right wasn't nearly as severe from in there.  When the oil pushed, I had to bump right and switch to something mellower in the midlane to keep the shot under control.

Man, you should have heard all the grousing about that lane condition.  The lady in the paddock commented on all the people who walked in with their big averages and then had put up 140s and 150s.  She was right.  I lost count of all the 210+ averages that I saw who shot games below 150, and some *well* below 150.

If you absolutely need to know, our high team game was 897;  we came in right around 1050.

Oh yes...they've relaxed the rules ever so slightly;  you can check in up to four balls now.  However, you can only have two in the building at any given time;  the rest have to stay at the bag check.  So if you want to change balls during a set, you'll need to take the ball that you no longer want to use all the way outside to the bag check, wait while they find your bag, do the switcheroo, and run back into the building so that you don't miss your turn in the next frame.  And oh, no bags are allowed inside the center.  So if you don't have those shoe protector thingies, you'll have to carry your shoes inside along with the two bowling balls you want to throw, and your accessory bag.

So...anyone for Masters qualifying?


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The only improvement would be to have me on the team!  But then I wasn't asked to join.  J/K Good luck to one and all!

Dave, don't mind CB, she can be that way sometimes.  Trust me I know, I've seen her at a few tournaments and she can turn on the attitude when she wants.
To err is human to be thonged is divine
USBC Bronze Coach

"I cannot change the direction of the wind but I can adjust my sails to reach my destination." Jimmy Dean
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Magic Carpet

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Good luck guys.
Pchee is a young Samurai with American training in the art of bowling. He would without doubt rule Japan if he were to return there. Be glad that he finds comfort in the vastness of the USA.


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TP get a life.  Talk about attitude, I've heard some stories about you on the lanes.

Dave, no slight intended it's just your slant is always with how lucky we are to have Vivian and to be truthful, if we are in the money it is a team effort.  EVERYONE giving their best.  I realize you are proud of your wife, but sometimes it seems as if you think we will be riding on her coat tails.  Just my opinion.
I have no life, therefore I bowl or I bowl, therefore I have no life? Okay here is the truth I bowl, therefore there is life

Edited on 6/10/2003 6:42 PM
USBC Bronze Certified Coach


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I am kind of new to thsi board so I have to ask, what State tournament are you guys talking about?  California?

If so, where are you getting your information on the conditions?

I go at the end of July and can use all the information I can get.

Regards, ClutchClay


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Re: Good luck to Pchee2, CB, Mrs Saw Mill and others at the State Tourney
« Reply #10 on: June 10, 2003, 08:41:14 PM »
ClutchClay:  Yes, it's the California state tournament.

For what it's worth, I got my information about the lane conditions from first-hand experience.

Saw Mill

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Re: Good luck to Pchee2, CB, Mrs Saw Mill and others at the State Tourney
« Reply #11 on: June 11, 2003, 01:13:56 AM »
He fades back, shoots for the trashcan, he scores.  Sawmill 00  Trashcan 5

If You Are Not the Lead SAW, All You Get is SAWdust!!


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Re: Good luck to Pchee2, CB, Mrs Saw Mill and others at the State Tourney
« Reply #12 on: June 11, 2003, 01:17:40 AM »
CB aren't you a bit touchy, maybe you are the one who has no life.  Are you scared everyone will learn the truth about your ability?  How far have you gone to bowl?  I've been to North Carolina and Ohio to test myself.  How about coming to my center and we'll roll a few and see who comes out the winner?  I'll even meet you at yours, name the time and day.
To err is human to be thonged is divine
USBC Bronze Coach

"I cannot change the direction of the wind but I can adjust my sails to reach my destination." Jimmy Dean
Quaker 10/93 - 4/07

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Re: Good luck to Pchee2, CB, Mrs Saw Mill and others at the State Tourney
« Reply #13 on: June 11, 2003, 02:05:03 AM »
TP, upcoming tournaments CA ABC State, WIBC Nationals, and CA WIBC State.  So what if I am not traveling far, they are valid test of ability.

As for your challenge, bring it on.  My home center is host for State, so it will have to be the end of July.  Pick a weekend and lets shoe up!
I have no life, therefore I bowl or I bowl, therefore I have no life? Okay here is the truth I bowl, therefore there is life
USBC Bronze Certified Coach

Saw Mill

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Re: Good luck to Pchee2, CB, Mrs Saw Mill and others at the State Tourney
« Reply #14 on: June 11, 2003, 02:29:07 PM »

I talked with the Peach, and he agreed with me in this post.  The Peach is not a young Samarai with American training in the art of Bolwing; he is a Manly American trained in the art of Spraying "stuff"!!  He laughed when I told him what I was going to post, and said, "I can picture Ron laughing his head off when he reads it!" I also see where the young "Yoshi" has either had his posts pulled or pulled them himself.  Maybe he found out who the Peach was,packed up his equipment, and realized what the Devil did in the song, "Devil Went Down to Georgia"; he bowed his head because he KNEW that he'd been beat, and laid the golden fiddle on the ground at Johnny's feet.

By the way Ron, I LOOOOVE your Magic Carpet!!

If You Are Not the Lead SAW, All You Get is SAWdust!!