Looking for ideas to solve pain in the fleshy portion of the hand between the index finger and the thumb.
I recently hurt my wrist 6 months ago... tendonitis distal (pinky for the non-medical) side and went from 0/0 pitches to 1/8 forward and 1/8 away on my switch grips... I also dropped a pound in ball weight... kinda needed to bowl through it as 2 of 3 leagues we are in the hunt for playoffs etc... this created the new problem above... did I over compensate? My spans are correct with 4 fittings from 4 people all match up...
Rt handed fingers: <3/8 ^1/4 and >3/8 ^1/4
cut to cuts are 3 1/2 and 3 9/16
thumb was 0/0 now >1/8 and ^1/8
Axis Rotation High, Tilt Medium, revs and speed used to match seems like I lost some revs with this change. I am thinking the forward pitch but fittings are out of my element... surface, layouts and core/coverstock is my wheel house. I am trying to learn as much as I can to get int a pro shop someday.