That this ball or that ball has great recovery or hold
on a lane? I hear this all the time, or see it in a
reveiw. Push it right, or get it out too far and this ball
will find its way back to the pocket. Tug it or get it inside
your mark and it holds nicely and does not overreact. I just
last week, took 5 balls to play around with open bowling.
They were Pearl Carbide Bomb, Golden Nugget, Pro Purple,
and OLD Danger Zone 2, and my XXXL. I threw each of these balls
on the SAME line, with the SAME release and guess what, they
all hit the pocket, carry was an issue with some, but they all
hit the pocket.
Why is this? Answer. LANE CONDITIONS. NOT the ball.
When are people going to realize this?

Saws are made to cut ANYTHING including 10 pins