I got a new pair of Dexter SSTs for Christmas this year. Not really a surprise, but that's besides the point.
I tried them on for the first time today, in practice. It was for the best; I couldn't stand them. I threw about five frames, took the shoes off, and just stared at them, trying to figure out what was wrong.
They're the same size as my 2-3 year old Brunswick "Zone Targets," so I don't really need them for that purpose anyway (I'm 15, so I might be growing)- they're just kinda old. I really don't see the point in holding them if they don't work, unless what I'm experiencing is expected.
The problem I have with them is that they don't stop me correctly. in my slide, the sole slides real fast until my weight gets on the heel. Then, the rubber heel stops REAL short, and throws me off balance. I want to believe that they need to be broken in, and that I need to "get used to 'em," but again, what's the sense in using them if I don't like how they feel and I'm not outgrowing the other ones anyway. At what cost will I see optimum performance.
That's the philosophical question, but should I give them more time? Has anyone else experienced this? Should I look into another pair of the model I have used for the past few years? These don't come with interchangeable heels and soles (I believe) so that's not an option. Thanks. This is bugging me.
Oh yeah, and I put on my old shoes after throwing with the Dexters- they were great as usual so it wasn't the condition of the floor.
I got a sixty-nine Chevy with a 396
Feulie heads and a Hurst on the floor
She''s waiting tonight down in the parking lot
Outside the Seven-Eleven store