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Author Topic: Got An Answer from ABC  (Read 874 times)


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Got An Answer from ABC
« on: September 13, 2004, 10:45:05 AM »
Here's what ABC says about our suggestions.  Sounds like double talk to me.

This is in reference to your e-mail of September 10, 2004.

Thank you for your comments.

Bowling Headquarters is looking into the feasibility and cost of providing tournament averages and winnings on line.

Some of the challenges are:

1.   Cost.  Obviously there will be a significant cost of developing software to handle this type of information nationally.  Secondly the cost of maintaining this information.

2.   Bowling Headquarters will need the cooperation and assistance of the tournament managers and bowlers to willingly provide this information on a timely basis.  For example, the scores would almost have to be provided immediately after they were bowled to be useful.  Also, the winning would have to be provided immediately after the bowlers qualified for the prize to be useful.

As you can see, there are some challenges to be able to provide this information.  Will the benefits this information provides justify the cost of implementation and daily maintenance.

In regards to rolling over the averages, leagues have the option to do this now.  Therefore, it would be up to each league to make this determination..

Feel free to contact us should you have additional questions regarding this matter by replying to this e-mail.


John Budnik
Rules Counselor

~~~SrK - Have balls, will travel

Spending the kids inheritance one tournament at a time.
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RIP Thongprincess/Sawbones



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Re: Got An Answer from ABC
« Reply #1 on: September 13, 2004, 06:54:18 PM »
Not to be a wise guy, but what part sounds like double talk?  With any nonprofit org, cost/benefit, and resource allocation are BIG issues.  You made good suggestions, but they are going to be expensive and difficult to implement, especially if tournament directors don't cooperate.
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Re: Got An Answer from ABC
« Reply #2 on: September 13, 2004, 07:57:10 PM »
What I'm understanding is it is going to cost too much money.  Where's the extra cost?  They already have averages listed on  What is the difference in nameing one of the leagues "tournament" instead of "Friday nite mixed".

Same principle, if it can be done for leagues, it can be done for tournaments.

OR, scroll down to the Awards section, how hard would it be to modify that to show the amounts won.  The technology is already available and in place.  The only problem I see is someone taking the initiative to do it.

In fact, most of the houses already have Perfect Secretary, scores could be downloaded automatically, same with prize money.  The other houses could submit them manually.

Lately I've been wondering if anyone on the ABC staff even bowls.  A few years back they paid StrikeTen $10M to help get bowling back on its feet.  I haven't seen any return on this money yet.

What the ABC/USBC has been doing in the past isn't working.  How low does the membership numbers have to drop before they get into a panic mode and do something constructive.

~~~SrK - Have balls, will travel

Spending the kids inheritance one tournament at a time.
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RIP Thongprincess/Sawbones


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Re: Got An Answer from ABC
« Reply #3 on: September 13, 2004, 10:32:04 PM »
///RANT ON////

Doc, I don’t know how it is in your area.  Around here none of our senior leagues are sanctioned.  During this years league meetings several people questioned why we had to sanction the league.  A lot of people thought the sanction fees were going up to $21 this year.

To be honest, the only real benefit most people see from sanctioning is the bonding insurance.  In some of our leagues, it would be cheaper to keep the $21 sanction fee and take the loss if anyone should abcond with the money.

Realistically, all my leagues have inhouse banking where the bowling alley takes care of everything.

Of course ABC makes the rules for bowling.  HAH – the majority of the rules can’t be enforced.  Remember the ABC won’t allow you to do anything to your equipment after its been checked in at the National.  Why??  Because they say they cannot verify what is actually in the containers.  Here’s the bigshots that made a rule of what we can/cannot use, and they aren’t smart enough to tell if the rule was violated or not.

These are the people that wrote the rule you cannot sand a ball during competition, BUT you can go into the pro-shop, buy a new one and have it sanded.

These are the people that says you can be rerated if you win more that $300 in a tournament, yet it is too expensive for them to make tournament winnings available to the directors.

I cannot think of any valid reason for a beginning bowler to bother sanctioning.  Awards???  Only a select few of us get any awards back during the year, the rest of the people are just donating.

I also think it was more than coincidental that the WIBC bought the rights to the Women’s tour just before the merger.  Perhaps the USBC thinks they will have enough funds to sponsor the Women’s tour  with the savings that’s coming from the merger.


///rant off///
The organizations have just let too many things fall through the cracks over the past few years in fear of alienating what few sanctioned bowlers they now have left.

Well, doesn’t help, I guess I’m preaching to the choir here, at least I feel better, still frustrated.

~~~SrK - Have balls, will travel

Spending the kids inheritance one tournament at a time.
Have Balls - Will Travel

RIP Thongprincess/Sawbones


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Re: Got An Answer from ABC
« Reply #4 on: September 14, 2004, 12:41:52 AM »

    Again, let me quickly say this is not the direction I want to see bowling go, but being a realist, I see the direction we are going and sorry if you resent my telling it like I see it.

I agree 110%.  After our senior leagues quit sanctioning, I got worried that the regular leagues would follow suit.  The bowling alley could care less, as long as they get the leagues in.

That's why I've been hounding the ABC for years to do something to stop the bleeding.  Seems like all they were interested in was hanging on to what they have.

The sport does need some form of a governing body to inforce what rules they can.  Doubt very much if they will still be in business when the membership drops down to us last 1,000 diehards.
~~~SrK - Have balls, will travel

Spending the kids inheritance one tournament at a time.
Have Balls - Will Travel

RIP Thongprincess/Sawbones


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Re: Got An Answer from ABC
« Reply #5 on: September 14, 2004, 07:31:14 AM »
SrK--You're exactly right!  ABC double speak.  With today's ability in software programs and programmers I can not believe they don't have the ability and the where with all to track tournament averages and $ won.  Sheesh.....isn't as a sanctioning body that their job?  

If a tournament is sanctioned why not have rules in place that the tournament organizer report results and winnings within a specified time?  Then that information could be posted for ALL to see.  It's in the ABC's as well as the tournaments best interest.  

Maybe somebody in Greendale would actually have to work instead of attend meeting after meeting doing nothing???  Get off your duff ABC...I think not!  



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Re: Got An Answer from ABC
« Reply #6 on: September 14, 2004, 06:03:04 PM »
As a tournament director, I don't see what USBC/ABC/WIBC's big deal with tracking tournament scores and/or earnings would be.
As a TD, I already have to send in a breakdown of my prize fund, with the names and amounts everyone won.
All I'd need to provide is the ID number, total pins, and # of games for each bowler. Information that I, as TD, better have at hand anyway.

Yes, they would have to enlarge/enhance their data base to track tournament entries and winnings for bowlers. They are doing that all the time as it is.

If winning isn't important,
why do they keep score?
Vince Lombardi
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