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Author Topic: got physical talent, in need of mental training  (Read 2450 times)


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got physical talent, in need of mental training
« on: June 12, 2003, 07:15:51 PM »
How does one bowler with above average physical talent, train his mind to become an even better bowler?  I am open for opinions/advice on the subject, because I have a bit of a mental barrier.  I average 195-198 in two different leagues, but it's more of a physical aspect.  I have a bit of shot consistency/ speed issues, but other than that, when I make mistakes, I kill myself mentally.  Basically looking to focus better and control my mental and emotional state to get over the 200+ hump.
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<b>The original Pin Krusher</b>



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Re: got physical talent, in need of mental training
« Reply #1 on: June 13, 2003, 10:48:26 AM »
Unless you are on Tour, you are going to make mistakes.  There is usually nothing you can do about it while bowling league.  Only in practice can you really work on fixing the mistakes.

By the same token, the people you are bowling against aren't on Tour either, and they will make mistakes as well.  

It's all a numbers game.  If you make a mistake, just wait.  Chances are the person you are bowling against will make one as well.  And if they don't, then it wasn't yours to win anyway.


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Re: got physical talent, in need of mental training
« Reply #2 on: June 13, 2003, 12:22:12 PM »
Having talent is one thing, building motor skills that allow you to perform under pressure is a different thing.  And finally, there's the mental game.  To reach an advanced level, you need all three, but they depend on each other.

You must have a solid physical game before you can train your mind to believe in your ability to make shots under pressure.  With your average, on what I assume is a house shot, you probably need a lot more work on your physical game.  As that improves, your mental game will improve along with it, since you will have a more solid foundation to support you.

Look for a good coach to help you reach the next level.
Cogito ergo bowl


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Re: got physical talent, in need of mental training
« Reply #3 on: June 13, 2003, 12:53:48 PM »
My physical game isn't totally based on a house shot, or at least one house.  I bowl in two very different houses in the fall, one wood and one synthetic.  In the summer I practice in anywhere from 4-6 different houses at different times to improve my game.  Where my physical game really lacks is in tournaments.  I never bowled in one before this year.  To put it plainly, I suck on that condition because I can't go anywhere to practice on it.  My summer league shot is similar to what you'd see, so I'm hoping it will help me down the road.  Most of you who posted already mentioned confidence.  I am not totally confident in my ability, because I get frustrated too easy.  Although I have been averaging 195+ in my practice sessions, it is different when I am in a league.  There's that mental side of it where you begin to think too much or try too hard.  You all know where that leaves you, messing up more.  I've even bowled a few 279's a 299, 300, and 700's but it's when I'm too hard on myself, I cave in.

Edited on 6/13/2003 12:59 PM
<b>The original Pin Krusher</b>


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Re: got physical talent, in need of mental training
« Reply #4 on: June 13, 2003, 01:26:08 PM »
Mental training?

Start out with the following:

Stop thinking throw the ball.


Of course, lefthanders dont have to adjust so they are free not to think or does not thinking come naturally to lefthanders?     j/k

Actually, in practice you should train the body/subconscience so that in competition you dont really have to think except for a few key words (like Shoulder Up, Kelly).  So Leftside is right (for competition).
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Re: got physical talent, in need of mental training
« Reply #5 on: June 13, 2003, 01:28:03 PM »
OK, I'm going to stick my neck out here and just say it.  I disagree with your comment here 'Bones.

As to your problem, just keep improving the physical side of your game to the point that you truly have confidence and then despite the mental weakness, your physical talent will pull you through.

I disagree because I think dragon is implying that he has a tendency to get upset with himself for making mistakes.  I do the same thing, and can tell from experience that once the mind goes and the adrenaline from anger builds up, my physical shot becomes worse due to my emotional state.  For example, usually ball speed picks up tremendously and focus is in the background while I still stew over the missed shot (therefore I make another bad shot and so on).  All of us tempermental bowlers need to learn how to get our emotions in check before rolling the next ball.  I have been working on this, and am getting better.  The hardest part is learning to realize when you're about to derail, and actually take a minute to calm down and refocus on the situation at hand.  Don't throw the next ball until you can put the bad shot out of your mind long enough to focus on what you're doing NOW.


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Re: got physical talent, in need of mental training
« Reply #6 on: June 13, 2003, 07:56:01 PM »
Drink Spark
Winning and Losing are both very temporary things. Having done one or the other, we move on. Gloating over Victory or Sulking in Defeat is a good way to Stand Still.


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Re: got physical talent, in need of mental training
« Reply #7 on: June 13, 2003, 10:57:24 PM »
Can't control your emotions after a bad shot.

No that you have control over.

Read a great book called psychocybernetics by Maxwell Maltz.

I lowered my golf average by 6 shots for 18 holes in golf.

Also used it to win a bit of cash once or twice in bowling.


PS yes Virginia it is possible to bowl your highest scores ever, even while bowling for big money.  One must just picture it and picture it so real that the brain believes it was real!!!
It takes Courage to have Faith, and Faith to have Courage.

James M. McCurley, New Orleans, Louisiana

Jerry Weller

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Re: got physical talent, in need of mental training
« Reply #8 on: June 13, 2003, 11:05:31 PM »
Divinedragon, when you say you "kill yourself mentally" I assume you mean that you become angry at yourself.

I get angry at myself when I make a poor shot too, but I don't hang onto it - I let it pass BEFORE I throw my next ball.

My keys are...

1) "Treat yourself the way you would your double's partner". I hope that you would not climb all over your doubles partner for making a poor shot. So why do you deserve to be treated any differently? Watch what you tell yourself when you throw a bad shot. Try to say positive things to yourself the way you would to a good and talented friend who was bowling with you. "Shake it off". "It's ok".

2) Realize that the only shot you have any control over is your next one. Focus on making your next shot a high quality shot instead of dwelling on past results.

3) Check your body for tension. Take a deep breath, then suck in just a little more air and hold it. Let it out. Do it all again. IF you still feel tense another trick is to clench your muscles as hard as you can and hold it, then let them relax. You can really feel the contrast.

Hopefully at least one of these will provide you with something constructive.


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Re: got physical talent, in need of mental training
« Reply #9 on: June 13, 2003, 11:36:54 PM »
I like those tips Jerry Weller gave, and may try to evaluate how I treat myself after a bad shot compared to how I'd treat a teammate.

Thanks for the info on the book Luckylefty (lefties need luck? ) I'll look into that next time I'm at the bookstore.

Gotta admit, Sawbones makes a strong point about muscle memory getting you through.  I agree it's important to build muscle memory and focus on your accuracy.  No doubt it could help get through the rough times.  But in order to move to the next level, I feel the emotional/mental side of the game has to be in the right form as well. My opinion is that if he's at a 195 avg., he's probably covering spares and able to string a few strikes.  Therefore, if he gets emotional and whiffs a couple spares a night due to a lack of focus, there's the difference between 195 and 200.  Keep practicing for accuracy, but also train the mind so it can be an asset rather than a liability.

One thought about the drunks bowling well - maybe in that state they are more relaxed and have the free armswing we all strive for.  Once you get mad, that free armswing becomes harder to achieve since the tendency is to tense up when you're frustrated.


Why, WHY won't the last one just fall??  It's WIGGLING for cryin' out loud!!
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I wonder where they went? ;)


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Re: got physical talent, in need of mental training
« Reply #10 on: June 14, 2003, 02:01:25 AM »
Lol, you ought to watch me bowl sometime.  When I get mad you can TELL.  And it's very very rarely the result that I get upset with.  Bad carry gets me going, but it's a lot easier to take if I know I just got screwed rather than missing inside by 6 or 7 boards and watching it slide to the pocket just to hit flush and leave an 8.  That's the one difference though, whenever I get upset, it's usually only for the shot.  I refocus and try it again.  Everybody has those down times when they feel terrible, and everything seems to be against them, and I've cracked before, but I came right back with a fairly solid week after my recent troubles, and most of it was mental.  Think about what you're doing before you throw the shot, and just let it flow when you pushoff, cause from there it's physical.  Know what you need to do, and then do it.
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Re: got physical talent, in need of mental training
« Reply #11 on: June 14, 2003, 09:58:45 AM »
Hello seadrive,

I disagree with this statement of yours.

"You must have a solid physical game before you can train your mind to believe in your ability to make shots under pressure."

Good to see you here, LT!

Okay, I can live with that , but unless we're talking about two different things, I think I'm right.  If you don't have a solid physical game, then your mental game is built on a foundation of clay.

In particular, a 195 average house bowler probably has some serious physical flaws that should be addressed.  I'm not saying that you can't work on both at the same time, but working on your mental game without correcting major physical problems in your game makes little sense to me.

Care to expand on your thoughts?
Cogito ergo bowl


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Re: got physical talent, in need of mental training
« Reply #12 on: June 14, 2003, 11:41:32 AM »
Great stuff, I'm working on it, thanks for your inputs..
<b>The original Pin Krusher</b>


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Re: got physical talent, in need of mental training
« Reply #13 on: June 14, 2003, 12:04:58 PM »
9 and a wiggle,

Don't look at it.(bowlers are known as cheap!).

Buy it!

It will change all your sports results, buy it study it, practice it.

It will improve your Luck and success!!!


It takes Courage to have Faith, and Faith to have Courage.

James M. McCurley, New Orleans, Louisiana