Grabbing the ball, particularly at the bottom of the swing (release point) can be attributed to:
1-incorrect hole sizes and/or pitches (thumb and/or fingers),
2-incorrect form from the beginning (at the stance position), which promotes...
3-bad timing throughout the approach, particularly the release/follow-thru,
4-or a combination of any/all of the above.
I suggest you determine your problem by analyzing a little at a time. That is, first see if the ball fits you properly, and if it doesn't, get it fixed by a qualified driller.
If that doesn't fix it or is not the problem, concentrate on your mechanics (if you can't figure out what you may be doing wrong, seek the advice of a good qualified coach, even if it means paying him/her--it'll do you wonders in the long run.)
You will soon figure it out and learn greatly from your current dilemma.