I've been changing to 14lb from 15lb and I'm still trying to figure why I didn't go lighter sooner!! I drilled a Wicked Siege for a friend that had triple heart bypass and the dr. told him that he could start bowling, but had to use 12lb. I had a lady that gave me a very little used Wicked, so I plugged the thumb, changed grips and sized it for him. When he came in to try it out, it could put my hand in it and roll it. He saw me hooking the whole lane on Kegel Stone St. pattern and thought I was using my ball. I told him that it was his and he watched me throw about 6 strikes in a row and he was as amazed as me. I've had several people roll that lighter ball and they told me that I would have told them about the reaction, they said they wouldn't believe it! Most lighter weight balls use the same shape, 14lb to 16lb, they just adjust the material for the core to make it not a dense and lighter. The 12lb & 13lb Wicked uses a different core, but it's still asymmetrical. Good luck to you and I don't think you'll see much difference!! Just my $02, Bruce