General Category => Miscellaneous => Topic started by: FastTracker33 on August 14, 2008, 06:45:02 AM
Hey everyone, not trying to show off or anything here, but i'm just real happy of myself, as of last night!
I just recently drilled up a Hammer Blue Vibe, and all the ball has been to me was amazing. I drilled it pin in palm, CG at 45 degrees, no hole. The last day of my summer league was yesterday, where I shot my 6th or 7th 700 (704 to be exact), and I was in the pocket the whole time, only one open.
It has been rolling over my middle finger hole, due to the hole being so low, and my track being high (PAP = 5 3/4 over, by 0 up/down), so I took it to Beans last night to put the extra hole in the ball, to make it the Rico layout, and hopefully move my track flare.
I took it out to practice after we left Beans', and it is still tracking over the middle finger unfortunatly, but the track has moved its' way left a bit. One good thing did come out of this, though.. I shot a 297. My highest game ever, although it was practice. I really did have a 300, but it wasn't in one full game. From the second game, into the 3rd, I had 15 strikes in a row!
I was real happy, and just wanted to let it out. Thanks for reading! 
Home of the Secret Sauce!
good job keep it up
Nice bowling, now to do it in league

USBC Bronze Coach
"I cannot change the direction of the wind but I can adjust my sails to reach my destination." Jimmy Dean
Quaker 10/93 - 4/07
Quaker (http://"")
Thanks guys, and ThongPrincess, that's what i'm hoping for this season! It was my goal last season, and will be again this season.

Home of the Secret Sauce!
My highest game ever, although it was practice. I really did have a 300, but it wasn't in one full game. From the second game, into the 3rd, I had 15 strikes in a row!
That's called a Veripapa 300, named for Andy Veripapa. -- JohnP
297, some people shoots 298s at a basic

Haha, how nervous was you when you threw tha last ball? I was shaking and then i threw the worst ball ever and left the 3-10 o I think i also had 15 strikes in a row b
I like my coffee black, just like my metal.
What would Chuck Norris do?
(\ /)
( . .)
Cute Bunny! copy bunny into sig to help him achieve world domination
Thanks JonhP, I knew there was some sort of name for it! Lol.
And, azus, I wasn't TERRIBLY nervous, but what happened was that whole night practicing, the last foot or 2 of the approach was slippery. I slid a little too much, my thumb hung up, and the end result was... Yeah.. Lol.
Home of the Secret Sauce!