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Author Topic: Ovals vs. Lifts  (Read 2488 times)


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Ovals vs. Lifts
« on: February 27, 2009, 02:04:10 AM »
I have been using ovals for about the last year and a half. I have also worked on my game a lot and am more accurate than I have ever been. I have noticed recently that I am missing the ball at the bottom a lot.  It seems if I don't get all of it at the bottom I have a tendency to leave the flat 10 and if I miss it, I am leaving the 2,8,10.

So I have been throwing my friends One Pearl a lot and he uses lifts. I notice I get a much more solid reaction off his ball than most of mine. The only problem is his span is 1/8" longer than mine and a bigger thumb hole (all pitches similar). SO holding on to it becomes a problem.

So I go to thinking last night maybe I should try lifts??? Does anyone think that could make that difference in my ball reaction and not missing it at the bottom??



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Re: Ovals vs. Lifts
« Reply #1 on: February 27, 2009, 10:48:58 AM »
In all honesty, as a ball driller for three years, its about comfort and what works for you.  I would take a ball that you like, and just throw them in there and try it.  Try it with normal sized fingers, and if you can get them swollen try that as well.  Some people it works wonders, others they hate it.  You just have to give it a try.
Wes Dye

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Re: Ovals vs. Lifts
« Reply #2 on: February 27, 2009, 05:56:58 PM »
^^^ Like he said.

Take one of your balls and throw a set in it.

You know, you can always go back to the ovals if you don't like the lifts...
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Re: Ovals vs. Lifts
« Reply #3 on: February 27, 2009, 07:01:22 PM »
Of all the balls we drill I'd guess that it's 70% use lifts instead of ovals. For me, lifts offer a more secure feel so I use less grip pressure.

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Re: Ovals vs. Lifts
« Reply #4 on: February 27, 2009, 08:16:33 PM »
Lifts will change your pitches by about 1/8.  I would look at your friends pitches first to see exactly what they are.  Also depending on what your pitches are now it may put more pressure on your joints.  I rarely drill for lifts and only if you tell me  that you want them.  It makes a difference in pitch and span.


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Re: Ovals vs. Lifts
« Reply #5 on: February 27, 2009, 08:37:15 PM »
just take your grips out, flip them over and try the lifts.
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Re: Ovals vs. Lifts
« Reply #6 on: February 27, 2009, 09:07:03 PM »
I will try the lifts, but the lift side gets cut off cause the pro shop doesn't drill the finger holes that deep.

just take your grips out, flip them over and try the lifts.
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Re: Ovals vs. Lifts
« Reply #7 on: February 27, 2009, 09:16:07 PM »
Lifts will change your pitches by about 1/8.  

Turbo Quads on the power lift side changes pitch.... 1/8
Turbo Quad Classic on the power lift side changes the pitch.... 1/4
Vise on the power lift side changes pitch.... 1/4
Vise power Ovals changes pitch.... 1/4
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Re: Ovals vs. Lifts
« Reply #8 on: February 27, 2009, 09:22:14 PM »

I use Vise Grips and the lift is 1/4 and the ball is drilled 1/4 reverse so that my finger pitch is zero when they are installed. Depending what pitch is drilled but you could have a lot of forward and this could cause finger strain for some bowlers. I have tried the ovals several times but I just don't get the same feel that I get with the lifts. They all wear after a while anyway so give them a try.



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Re: Ovals vs. Lifts
« Reply #9 on: February 27, 2009, 09:35:27 PM »
I have all of mine with an oval in the middle and a lift in the ring finger. For me its still very clean but and still allows me to feel the hit at the bottom, without alot of grab.
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Re: Ovals vs. Lifts
« Reply #10 on: February 28, 2009, 05:43:14 AM »
I will try the lifts, but the lift side gets cut off cause the pro shop doesn't drill the finger holes that deep.

just take your grips out, flip them over and try the lifts.
hold my hammer, while i NAIL your girlfriend.

It's all about pitches, from what I have felt with mine.
I tried lifts and it was a no-go.

BUT I have also had the problem you describe. I had been using 1/4" back/reverse pitch on my finger holes to ease the pressure. I also found what you did: it seemed to make a release difference. I felt it was weaker. I asked my driller to go back to 0 pitch on the finger holes. It made all the difference. I still use ovals.

Lifts technically have/add 1/4" forward pitch to a flat or oval. I find ovals much more comfortable. Try adding 1/8" - 1/4" to the finger holes and using ovals. If you use only 2 spots of glue to attach them (front/back or left/right), it's very easy to change them back and forth for testing.
"None are so blind as those who will not see."

Edited on 2/28/2009 6:43 AM
"None are so blind as those who will not see."