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Author Topic: Too many balls a hindrance?  (Read 3018 times)


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Too many balls a hindrance?
« on: March 15, 2010, 08:33:47 AM »
Has anyone found that having too many bowling balls has been more confusing or hindering than helpful? I have around 13 bowling balls and have a hard time deciding which balls I want to take to league, tournaments, etc. Not only that, but I have a hard time choosing which ball to start with. Can anyone see it more beneficial to have around 6 balls for all conditions, including PBAX? Maybe I'm the only one that is indecisive.



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Re: Too many balls a hindrance?
« Reply #16 on: March 16, 2010, 10:58:24 AM »
Best way to start any night in practice. Start with your Medium cover/laid out ball and adjust off of that. Decide what your medium bench mark ball is for you.
Then have a stronger and a weaker ball off  that cover and core. Keep it simple for a house shot. Sport shot is another story.  As the season  progresses we do have some change in the oil pattern so I always leave the med ball and change the other 2 to fit the patterns. I do not always make the right choice but I will always have something in the bag that is different.
I see to many bowlers with 3 or 4 balls all laid out the same and cover are very close and they can't understand why nothing will work for them. Just remember "The 1st rule of bowling there are no rules"  per (Fred Borden)  Also if you have time to go practice bring 3 different balls each time you go  play  1st thru 4th arrows with each ball and keep notes on the ball reaction for each arrow. so the next time to need to make a change in league you know what any ball will do where ever you play on the lane.  Just my .02 this what works for me


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Re: Too many balls a hindrance?
« Reply #17 on: March 16, 2010, 11:34:35 AM »
I never imagined I would ever have more than two balls, well I now have 4! lol

My bag only holds 3 so thats all I can bring, not that I would ever want to take any more than that to league.  Of course I sit at home and ponder which ball stays, lol.

I only bowl one league and really don't "need" more than 1 or 2.  Since getting back into bowling for the 08/09 season I find that I love to try different equipment.  I try to make a change when I feel a change is required, but I think it's more in my head than anything else.  If I'm struggling, a ball change sometimes helps give me a different attitude and/or pseudo confidence.

I recently got a C-System 3.5 and if I bowl anywhere near how I bowled with it last week, I may never throw a different ball again, lol.
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Re: Too many balls a hindrance?
« Reply #18 on: March 16, 2010, 11:38:39 AM »
IMHO, yes!  Throw in your own ball spinner, and it becomes even more overwhelming as your 10-ball arsenal can become a 30-ball arsenal with surface changes.

I had so many 14 lb balls I didn't know what to bring with me.  I'm moving up to 15 and I'm limiting myself to 5 balls: heavy, med-heavy, med, dry-med, and a spare.  4 of these have the same core because I match so well with it.  With my spinner I can fine tune the covers and that's all I need.


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Re: Too many balls a hindrance?
« Reply #19 on: March 16, 2010, 12:07:04 PM »
This has been looked at quite a few times.  I agree, three balls is the most you need for league.  Maybe five for tourneys.  Any more and you have what OP is going thru.

Agreed - as long as you actually KNOW what these do for you, or what you can do with them. In league, IMHO 2 balls and maybe an exotic fall-back option should suffice. Tournament can be tricky, but I agree that you should be able to cover 90-95% of anything you might encounter with 4 or maybe 5 balls. Just shaking it down to WHICH balls these might be is the true "art" behind it...

Being a ball whore or junkie is one thing, making (educated) choices another. You simply see more colors if you know your drugs...
DizzyFugu - Reporting from Germany

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Edited on 3/16/2010 12:07 PM
DizzyFugu ~ Reporting from Germany


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Re: Too many balls a hindrance?
« Reply #20 on: March 16, 2010, 12:28:44 PM »
well i set it up like this

heavy oil:
medium oil:
light oil:
dry no oil:

keep it to 4 four balls that are your favs for these conditions and couple extra on the side just incase they get gouges are torn up on wood lanes for by the ball returns etc etc
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Re: Too many balls a hindrance?
« Reply #21 on: March 16, 2010, 04:01:06 PM »
I think it is a hinderance but us ball whores have to always get something new I do most because the less I know and understand about the ball Im using the better I do all my high games/series have beem within the first 2 to 3 weeks after getting a new ball.... Also to figure out the best ball to start always try and find a ball that is a consistant middle of your arsenal type ball roll it a few times and you will be able to tell if you need something stronger or something weaker.


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Re: Too many balls a hindrance?
« Reply #22 on: March 17, 2010, 03:35:33 AM »
I can speak to this subject and offer a definitive YES!!

It is easy to get sucked into buying new stuff, thinking you are going to get some new magic reaction.  Once you find your benchmark balls, then you can build around them.

Very good point, and just what the industry suggests... Personally, I haven't bought a new ball for a year now, and I must say that this actually improved my game and arsenal knowledge. I have about 10 balls in store, but only take 4 + spare to league/tournaments.

Since I got the stuff better to know through frequent use (and dedication to work with what I have instead of punching up ever new balls, hoping for the magic 300 or miraculous performance) I have become an overall "better" bowler, at least concerning arsenal decisions and adjustments.

IMHO, ever new/more balls are not the solution to bowling success - rather the knowledge when and how to use them, equipment fitting to conditions and players demands and not vive versa. It is also so easy to blame incompetence to conditions and the oh-so-great-equipment - better take a look into the mirror
DizzyFugu - Reporting from Germany

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DizzyFugu ~ Reporting from Germany