You have a good game, from the limited view i can see. You stay very low, and have a lot of leverage at the line. Timing is also pretty good.
There are issues about your game that are quite similar to mine, but they're just suggestions and what not- things that I am working on in my own personal game.
Your pushaway goes right. Try straightening that out. It causes your swing to go behind you. The backswing's peaks out near your spine, rather instead of your right shoulder.
At release, again, you have a damn good knee bend, and have a lot of leverage at the line. The ball is close to your ankles and your "lines" are pretty damn good. Your spine lines up with your slide leg/knee at release, etc.
The only issue is when I press pause on your video during the release point, is that your hand is going around the ball a lot. It causes high axis rotation and low track. This can cause you a lot of heartache when bowling on extremely heavy floods, and some patterns that may play medium to dry for higher track players could play extremely oily for you... and imagine what a 43'-45' flat sport pattern could do to you even with that big hooking Cherry Bomb you have in your hands. A good drill for this is the "football drill". Lots of coaches know about this. I am sick and it's really late right now, and I should post about this tomorrow.
Remember, they are just suggestions. Good luck.
-Jeremy Vitug