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Author Topic: Gripless! Not bad......  (Read 2659 times)


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Gripless! Not bad......
« on: April 05, 2004, 06:10:23 PM »
Just picked up my new Roto's........Retro Resurrection, and Rush.....after discussions with my driller (king of the mill) we decided to try no finger grips because........well, ...I've never tried it...and I've heard good things...

I only threw one game with each ball.........however...I think I like this! I didn't really feel a difference with rev-rate, etc....but I did notice one thing....

It seemed I came out of the ball cleaner!?

Is this possible ? Can finger inserts/grips cause a little hang-up?

Thoughts, your experiences ?? Please......thx
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Re: Gripless! Not bad......
« Reply #1 on: April 06, 2004, 09:42:30 AM »
Mongo, thanks,....

I guess you're right,...thumb first, then fingers, + grips, ...yup, SURE it can happen!

I have/like my fingers fairly snug but not "tight" ....we'll see how it goes
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Re: Gripless! Not bad......
« Reply #2 on: April 06, 2004, 11:51:37 AM »
thanks Rags........

so, obviously you realized a smoother/cleaner release ?
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Re: Gripless! Not bad......
« Reply #3 on: April 06, 2004, 11:57:46 AM »

    Jeff, you may find you come out of the ball better without grips and if so, then by all means stick with your test, but the next bowler might find just the opposite.

Thanks Bones, totally understood, I just wanted to canvas and see if anyone else noticed that when they went without.........
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Re: Gripless! Not bad......
« Reply #4 on: April 06, 2004, 12:10:02 PM »
I never really used them for any length of time.  I received a hand me down from my brother, so I changed out grips to avoid a redrill.  I used them on the next several balls.  I forget when or why, but I stopped using them.  I've never looked back.  Nothing to rip, change, or wear out.  I like the feel of a thumb slug to keep the feel the same from ball to ball, but I can't tell any difference with fingertips.  Plastic, urethane, resin, and particle all feel the same to me.  I definitely hit/hang up more with fingergrips.

For something even better, have KOTM drill oval holes right in the ball.  Most everyone has slightly oval digits.  It will give you a better fit and a little more contact area on your pads.  Once I got ovals drilled, I wondered how I ever used round fingerholes.
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Re: Gripless! Not bad......
« Reply #5 on: April 06, 2004, 12:36:42 PM »
Strider, ...yes, they in fact ARE ovals!
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Re: Gripless! Not bad......
« Reply #6 on: April 06, 2004, 12:47:39 PM »
Hey Jeff since you are experimenting.....

try having an old ball drilled with sharp fingers. no bevel. just a touch of the sander to take the burr off.

it's a physics kind of a thing. leverage and all that. here is a simple real world mid shaker.

have some one hold a pencil horizontally.
place you fingers over it like your bowling.
have them pull away from you, not to fast or hard

you can not stop it unless you squeeze your fingers and grab it. and you know grabbing is bad. you are resisting harder more than they pulling

now have someone hold a thin rectangular object, that doesn’t flex like 1/8 aluminum.

now repeat the process and you will find out they have to pull very hard to get your fingers off and you have to resist very little.

talk about more revs and less grab. give it a try.

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"deserves got nothing to do with it."
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Re: Gripless! Not bad......
« Reply #7 on: April 06, 2004, 12:51:42 PM »

just did it! wierd.......hmmm
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Re: Gripless! Not bad......
« Reply #8 on: April 06, 2004, 01:09:14 PM »
I thought it was weird also. but since doing it, I will never have my fingers drilled any other way.

it makes a big dillference when your form is right and you can feel the ball grabbing your fingers in the bottom of the swing instead of you grabbing the ball.

as a plus it's a good training aid. becuse if you squeeze, you will know it OUCH!

I have gone as far as having the thumb drilled sharp to stop grabbing it.
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"deserves got nothing to do with it."
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Re: Gripless! Not bad......
« Reply #9 on: April 06, 2004, 01:33:36 PM »
interesting Omega!
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Re: Gripless! Not bad......
« Reply #10 on: April 06, 2004, 01:54:04 PM »
I remember we had an accomplished bowler around here we drilled a ball for once.

He gave us his specs and we drilled it. We took it off the drill press and handed it to him and said he could finish off the holes to his liking. He smiled and said “It is finished”. Walked out and started throwing it.

Would have made my finger and thumb bleed the holes were so sharp.

I don’t believe Norm Duke puts any bevel on his holes either.


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Re: Gripless! Not bad......
« Reply #11 on: April 06, 2004, 02:00:53 PM »

Have you ever tried cutting little tiny pieces of tape and get them to stick in the back of the holes, and they dirty and they slide out and ht eglue gets on your fingers, etc., etc.

With inserts, you stick a small carboard shim in the back or you take it out. simple, easy, quick, and it doesn't move around or get glue on your fingertips, or ....
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Re: Gripless! Not bad......
« Reply #12 on: April 06, 2004, 02:02:33 PM »
I would assume most that don't use grips don't least enough to make a difference........
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Re: Gripless! Not bad......
« Reply #13 on: April 06, 2004, 02:11:00 PM »
Jeff: I have swelling problems that charlest alluded to. It's usually not a problem in league sets, but I get variances in finger size over longer tournament blocks. It makes going without adjustable inserts a bit of a challenge.

And there is nothing like being in a center during the summer where the air conditioning mysteriously doesn't work..........
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Re: Gripless! Not bad......
« Reply #14 on: April 06, 2004, 02:15:12 PM »
actually with the sharp bevels the size of the finger is less imortant becuse the ball hangs onto your fingers. a little bigger is may even be better.

I have traded for a ball once that had the grips taken out. the holes were sharp and the span was close and I was able to throw it anyway.

You don't need a tight finger hole to keep the ball on your hand with this method.

I have tried every finger grip over the years. including vaccu-grips. they grab your fingers but I get more revs with my current drilling.

My finger are piyched away even. although I going to try the Claw grip in combination with a CLT .
"deserves got nothing to do with it."
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"deserves got nothing to do with it."
-- William Munny