Heard a couple good replies so far. Could be fit. A lot of inexperienced or old time drillers like the idea of reverse pitch. I've tried all kinds of pitches, and zero works the best for me. Keep in mind though, that the more forward the pitch goes, the shorter you have to make your span to compensate. Now, what the other guy is talking about by fishhooking, just imagine what a fishhook looks like. I tend to grip the ball and relax my fingers too, and what I found that works is to put my fingers in, and stretch them back to make sure that my thumb is straight up and down in the thumbhole. I don't mean really stretch them back to where your nails are turning white and hitting the back of the grips. I mean just make sure there's not a lot of space under your fingers up top. If your span is too long, it may stretch your hand too far, but if it's too SHORT, your hand could be cheating forward in the ball trying to get your fingers a little deeper in the holes, which cheats your thumb up and bends it. If you're gonna grip with your thumb, do it at the joint, not at the tip. If you at least grip at the joint and keep your thumb straight, when you go to release, it should slide straight out.
This is Fluffy. He is the Destroyer of Worlds.