I used inserts for the longest time, and never had any issues with them except when bowling 5 or 6 games, and then my fingers would get raw and i'd start to lose skin sometimes. Well in 2000, i decided to bowl two leagues mon and weds well after a few weeks i started to get on my ring finger at the first knuckle some skin tearing, basically it looked like i cut open my finger on the palm side. Well it would heal, then tear, heal then tear. After having this go on for a year it finally went away. The next yr, it was the same crap, and i ended up having a two week break around Xmas time, so under the advise of my pro shop buddy, i had all the finger holes plugged and re-drilled with no inserts.
Not only did it help the tearing of my finger, but it made my release alot smoother, i wasnt jerking at the release of the ball. Plus!!!! my finger's wouldnt be on fire after 5 or 6 games.
Well one day, i had a new ball drilled up and my friend who drilled up the ball left the fingers very sharp! basically like the pro's have it, But I liked it, it did bother my fingers for a bit, but i got usta it. PLUS it helped me from using the grip of death on the ball lol.
So from that day on, I keep the finger's very sharp. I also use the Vise grip finger tape too. But I'll never go back to inserts,,, i mean with just drilled finger tips, you dont have to worry about the inserts wearing out, or replacing them.
I do use a thumb slug in all of my bowling balls, i like the feel of it, plus since i get sweaty hands alot and use alot of resin, and it keeps my hand from sticking.
" Lift Your Skirt Grab Your Balls and Learn How to Bowl "