Ok I will start by saying I need help in the fricken 3rd game. I am stroking the ball good the first to games, example last night 1st game 227, 2nd game 245, and then comes the 3rd game 188. This has happened a few times already this year. I leave every pin in the back row all game long. Sometimes it starts at the end of the 2nd game or the beginning of the 3rd game.
A little about me, Lefty, Decent amount of hand, try to stay inside the ball, to other lefties on my team but they play straight up, and I swing the ball so its not the same line.
What I throw 15lbs AMF Code, Storm Secret Agent mainly, also have a shined up Ultimate Inferno. The Code is a skid flip action like a hockey stick, the Agent hooks more but is a rolly hook.
I am thinking of maybe getting a Black Onyx Vibe for the 3rd game so the ball doesn't drive threw the pins so hard. Not sure how strong the Black Vibe is? Also I have tried moving but then I leave alot of flat seven pins. I am stuck in between.
What do you guys think?