I totally amazed that Pchee2 can remember back to the last two times I went to Fremont and bowled against Pchee2 and friends. I must admit, Pchee2 does throw thunderous strikes and with that said, always has the potential to throw big games, but if we bowled fouty games in Castro Valley and other bowling centers, I probably let Pchee2 win a few games. I know that the only p[lace that Pchee2 won any games was at Castro Valley, other then that I took Pche2 to school all weekend even in the tournament that Doc posted the scores for.
I don't care what Scott used the money for, the 25 dollars paid for a sevice. There are several greeting card websites that started out free and now the have an annual fee. I think if you look at it as a sevice to the bowling community, 25 dollars isn't much if you use the site with any regularity. I don't understand why anyone would laugh at someone who has paid a fe for a service that they benifit from rather then make the guy feel bad about it. Now he even makes Hamster Reloaded feel like he was gullaby to pay for a service, what is Pchee2 trying to teach our youth.
Nicanor (Fullfills California women's desires, then put out their fires)