I threw my highest game last night, 298 during league. Funny part is, I was late getting there due to lousy weather and traffic, and got to the lanes just as practice ended. I threw my shoes on, watched my teammates bowl to get an idea on the lanes, and just guessed right. All 12 in the pocket, and only the 8th was close when the 9 pin stood on a hard hit but the messenger got it out. My Dad showed up right as I hit the 9th strike, and I had great shots on 10 and 11. Number 12 was a good shot, but the ball just crept in a little more than it needed and I left the 4-7.
Went 212-192 the last 2 games, for a 702. Not my highest series but I was able to keep up somewhat after that first game. The 192 came from a wide open split in the 10th, but what can ya do
I got the 4-7 pins as souveniers and a nice congratulations from the house. These are the nights where bowling feels like more than just a night with the guys. Just wanted to share with more of the family!
D <~~~~ Used to be terrible wiffing 10 pins. Now through much practice, can wiff any single pin spare at any time.

Darrell Guzman
guzmand19 - Yahoo IM and MSN screen names