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Author Topic: Had to speak my mind this morning...  (Read 598 times)


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Had to speak my mind this morning...
« on: February 19, 2004, 09:43:29 PM »
I went to the bowling lanes for my "usual" Friday morning practice session.  I was on a lane next to the four of the guys from the team we bowled Monday night.

Here is a little background on this story...our team is NOT the strongest team, we have four guys who average between 165-180 and one elderly gentleman who has the "mandated" league low average of 143 although he often struggles to break 110.  The other team is probably one of the better teams in the league despite the fact that their averages range from 170-185 (averages not much better than our team with the exception of elderly gentleman).

This past Monday night, as a team, we didn't bowl well at all.  Only two of us had our average or higher series on the night and the other three were WELL below their average (the elderly gentleman had a total of 201 for the first two games and our highest avergae man went 128-153 the first two games).  Needless to say, it was pretty much a slaughter...lost the first game by over 90 pins, the second game by almost 150 pins, and the third game by about 80 pins.

It wasn't all "our fault" we lost so badly...all five of the guys on the other team bowled over their average...three of them bowled over 75 pins over their average (523, 589, 604, 645, 653).  This is not unusual for this team as I have watched them over the last several weeks and every week they have had two our three guys shooting well over 600 each week.

Anyway, one of the guys starts bragging to one of his buddies who walked over to talk to them about how bad they beat us.  I'm not normally the type that "gives a big one" but this kinda rubbed me the wrong way.  I interrupted the fellow in the middle of his story and told him that if his team had accurate averages and handicaps, the matches would have been a bit closer and that we are at a definite disadvantage with our elderly bowler.

He didn't say another word...I continued my Friday morning practice with a smile on my face...
That which doesn't kill you will only make you stronger, that which doesn't make you stronger is a waste of time!