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Author Topic: Watch out, Hamster's on the loose!  (Read 1018 times)


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Watch out, Hamster's on the loose!
« on: October 26, 2003, 09:54:15 AM »
Lol, this is a novel, beware!

Wow, what a week.  Last Tuesday absolutely EVERYTHING was wrong in league.  Shot 511.  I was so hacked off I couldn't see straight.  My slump started in May when I hurt my wrist.  I was trying to learn how to keep my elbow straighter and cup my wrist, and I over practiced (not to mention this was right in the middle of all my span and pitch changes which were due to pinching a nerve at the base of my thumb) and bam, I strained something.  I went for a week where I couldn't bowl at all.  I knew there wasn't anything WRONG, everything was just really sore.  During all this, I also started gripping the ball as a result of the streched out span, all the reverse and left pitch (was as far back as 1/2 reverse, 3/8ths left on a ball that was 4 3/4ths by 4 3/4ths), and trying to cup my wrist.  I'd just come off a REALLY great finish to my youth "career."  Averaged 240+ for the last 6 weeks, 5 of those being 700's (the only one that wasn't was a 699), which also included my famous set with my wonderful White Dot.  One week practicing I shot 297-805, and went back the next night because I knew I'd shoot 300, and I did.  Everything's looking good going into adult leagues, right?  Suuure.

During the gap between leagues ending and leagues beginning was when I hurt my wrist.  I bowled a Sport league (that wasn't too sporty) and a regular league.  I never did too hot.  It was incredibly frustrating not being able to bowl to my potential, especially because the cost for me to bowl had now almost tripled, and there was prize money at stake.  I had off and on weeks when my wrist felt alright, but I always had release problems.  I did manage to shoot 700 in my Sport league (703, my four game total was 894, which was the highest series in the league) and average 189, whereas I shot a 700 in my other league and averaged 205.  

Then I started REAL leagues this fall.  I lucked my way to a couple 2-teen averages the first few weeks of the season, including having the front 9 somehow one of those weeks.  Then it started to gradually drop off.  Everytime I thought I was getting better, it was really just me trying to tell myself I was.  After my 511, enough was enough.  I grabbed a wrist brace out of the shop and went practicing the next day.  Trying to remember all the scraps of information I've caught by listening to Rick Benoit, I applied them.  While my wrist hadn't been cooperating, I'd slowly rid myself of gripping the ball.  In the middle of my efforts to make my release cleaner earlier this summer, I ended up relaxing my fingers in concentration to get my thumb out of the ball.  Slowly I began getting my fingers back as well.  Wednesday was when everything finally came together.  

Thumb straight and relaxed.  Fingers tight and firm.  Wrist slightly cupped.  And here was the big one.  Delaying my pushaway.  I had been getting to my release point before I was done sliding, which caused most of my release problems.  I put it all together, and you'd be amazed at what all that can do.  The timing came right away, felt like I'd been doing it for years.  I'd always watched in amazement, wondering how on earth the pros all got such length and recovery with such strong balls.  Now, with the cleanest release and best form I've ever had, I know how they do it.  When the ball slides right off your thumb, and you keep your fingers tight as the ball rolls onto the lane, it glides the first 30 feet, no problem.  Since the ball has expended no energy whatsoever, when it starts moving, holy cow.  

Shot 647 that night in league, really only because I threw about 20 games practicing (I never bowl games anymore, just practice mode), and my hand was pretty tired, but I felt the huge step of progress.  I now have a clean release, a stable wrist (I used to flap it around to keep pressure off of it in the downswing) a lot straighter elbow, better timing, and an INCREDIBLE ball reaction.  Went practicing tonight after watching some buddies bowl league.  The shot looked more difficult than normal, and showed in their scores.  I hopped right on the pair after they were done.  There was track burn between 5 and 12, not to mention the backends were flatter than normal.  After warming up, I started burying shot after shot after shot.  Moved to 1st arrow, bang, bang, bang . .  After about 8 strikes or so, I moved DIRECTLY to 6th arrow and made 5 perfect shots resulting in 5 perfect strikes.  

I couldn't believe it, I still can't believe it.  I'm sitting there awestruck watching my Detonator glide right down the lane, smoothly starting to roll, but not jumping in the track burn (lol, it was there, believe me) and turning right into the 1-3 at a house I USED to think was DRY.  I'm still wondering if this is really me.  I used to be good (not great, but well above average), but I've never been this good.  My wrist still can't take what I really want it to do yet, but I can play very comfortably between 1st and 3rd arrow without bending my elbow.  I do need to bend it a little to create a little heavier roll beyond 3rd arrow, but with my release now, it's possible.  I can't wait for leagues this week.  I'm gonna be shooting some SCORES now, so ya'll better watch it!!!
I'm BETTER than you because . .

1) I've met the DNL leprechaun
2) I get paid to watch tv.
3) My dad's friend's brother knows Chris Barnes' stepdad.  
4) Kristi's my buuuuuddy
5) I get to witness a man with the speed and revs of Robert Smith combined with the accuracy of the guards in the lobby scene of the Matrix average 240
6) I can throw a better fit over nothing than you can.



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Re: Watch out, Hamster's on the loose!
« Reply #1 on: October 27, 2003, 01:04:43 AM »
Now all you need to do is get this on tape.  "IF" a slump ashould happen you can compare the two tapes and see where your problem area is.

Glad to see things are going better, lets hear some posts about jewelry next.
~~~SrK - Have balls, will travel
Have Balls - Will Travel

RIP Thongprincess/Sawbones