I know this is a Sawbones question, but I was having a discussion with our centre manager last night and he was telling me the situation in the UK at the moment.
Its like this, "this could be the last British Open", his words. I was flabergasted. He went on to say that all of the scratch tounaments could soon be lost espescilly the ones sponsered by AMF.
Why run a scratch tourny when all you get is the same people week in week out. Sponsering an event like this is meaningless, it fetches in no new revenue.
Handicap tournys may take over from them, but would top scratch bowlers want to bowl in them when you get 190 av bowlers bowling 220+. I dont think so.
I only started playing this game a 2 years ago and I see big changes since then. At 2 centres (AMF) the leagues have been told that they are no longer wanted as they are taking up the lanes when the centre can make more money on open play.
I think soon a lot of the higher av bowlers will lose interest as they struggle to beat the 180-190 bowlers in handicap tourneys and then loose total interest in bowling altogether. Why try to get any better when all you do is to get punnished?
We now have 5 leagues in our centre 2 scratch and 3 handicap, 2 of which are just fun leagues for the OAP's and it looks like they will be diminishing at the end of the season.
I know you have similar problems in the US and was wondering if you blame the handicap tournys for the decline also.
Happy go lucky bowler from the UK

Did someone say tough luck

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