Everyone makes the same type of comment during these handicap debates. The bowlers that improve the most throughout a season will more than likely win the league.
Well, lets find some logic in this that DOESNT say that the low averages actually have a pretty decent advantage over the 200+ average bowler.
Say a team has a low man of 170, three at 200 & 1 at 220.
Now another team has 5 averages under 140.
Which team is going to improve throughout an entire season?
The higher average team MIGHT go up 40 total pins, & thats still a BIG stretch. All while the sub 140s could all go up to around 150-160 fairly easily, especially if they havent been bowling long, or get some lessons.
How is it fare to give so much handicap in these leagues that the BETTER bowlers dont have ANY advantage at all?
I think putting a max of 40 pins of handicap, regardless of what its based off of should be the norm. Low average bowlers SHOULD get some sort of a negative for not being good. Not everyone deserves to win. How it it in any way fair that a good "scratch" team, that has worked hard on their game, researches bowling & equipment whenever possible, practices & actually give it their all day & in day out to be as good as they can, loses to a team of drunks that show up & just kinda hang out & have fun?
Im sorry, i hate handicap, always have, always will.
Basically this whole rant comes down to, stop enabling people to suck, make them want to be better, give them a reason to try. With all of this handicap, people can average 150 & be completely content with it because theyre making money.....its ridiculous