Giving individuals/teams handicap is inevitable. And you can tell who controls the league by the type of handicap given for that league. If it is 100% of "x", then it is obvious the league is dominated by lower average bowlers and if it is 80% of "x", then the league is probably dominated by higher average bowlers.
To depart from the typical conversation, how about at correcting the situation. Current options are:
1. Bowl the league "as is" and not worry about anything.
2. At the league meeting, propose a different handicap based on your preference.
3. Screw 1 & 2 and just bowl scratch.
But here in lies the problem. Many people go to the first night's meetings and if the handicap isn't to their liking, and they can't get it changed, then what is one to do? At this point in time the bowler is stuck with that league or try to "catch up" at another league that he might like better. Why can't league information such as cost (lineage, prize fund, sec. fees), handicap %, and handicap base be decided at a time where people can choose the league that best suits their ability without having to jump through hoops to make a change?
Around here, there just aren't any quality scratch leagues (I know of none and I live in a large city). I haven't been out looking too much, but no one has ever asked me to bowl or about a scratch league.
If you don't like the league's handicap, then either suck it up, quit the league, or wait till next year and change or leave the league.
As far as the original post is concerned, having a "max" handicap can work, but I feel if everyone understands what the league has to offer well in advance, you will have fewer people complaining about how the league is run.
I am not a pro-bowler, but I do play one on