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Author Topic: Handicap Pot Dilema  (Read 1402 times)

Pat Patterson

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Handicap Pot Dilema
« on: April 02, 2004, 12:09:05 PM »
Here is my Dilema:  My normal average is around 205/210. About 3 or 4 months ago I sub'd on a mixed league where I proceeded to bowl bad by my standard(shot 523/174 avg), yet the team still decided to add me to their roster as their "5th" member of a 4 member team.   Since that night the team I was added to has not needed me to bowl until this past week.  Well I decided to get in the handicap side pot since there was no scratch pot or brackets. I then proceeded to shoot 216, 246, 267 = 729 series, winning the last 2 hdcp pots.  Should I feel bad that I entered the handicap pot, it's not that I'm just a sub who comes in once in awhile, I am there every week waiting to see if they will need me to bowl, I am a legal member of a team.  It's not my fault that the time between my 1st series and last were so far apart.  Apparently I upset alot of bowlers, what should I have done?
Pat Patterson
Pat Patterson



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Re: Handicap Pot Dilema
« Reply #1 on: April 03, 2004, 07:09:20 AM »
Nothing to feel guilty about. You had one bad night, that you should feel bad about. How many times have you donated in your life? Think people felt guilty for you about that?

However, I do understand the feeling. I have had to go throw some myslef.
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Re: Handicap Pot Dilema
« Reply #2 on: April 03, 2004, 07:14:36 AM »
You've definitely got a guilty conscience if you've posted two questions about this situation.  My only question is, knowing that the 174 average was not "legitimate"...why didn't you use your "normal" (other) league average of 205-210 in both the league and the handicap pot???  If you had done that and still won,  you wouldn't be feeling guilty about it...and we wouldn't be discussing this issue!
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Edited on 4/3/2004 8:08 AM


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Re: Handicap Pot Dilema
« Reply #3 on: April 03, 2004, 08:34:10 AM »
Hi Pat,

They established your average after 3 games only?  Not 9 or 12 like most leagues?  If they set that standard in their bi-laws, then you have nothing to feel bad about unless you intentionally dumped it.  If you had a bad night, oh well, not your fault.  Take the money and run cause your average is right back up to 208 for the 2 weeks.

Peri, I thought exactly the same thing you mentioned.  Actually, I thought for a moment it was "THE" PP.  Is he still alive?
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Re: Handicap Pot Dilema
« Reply #4 on: April 03, 2004, 09:31:13 AM »
Who decided what average you would be using for the pots?  If it was the guy running the pots, he is the one at fault for not double checking.

  The same thing happened to me once. I subbed for a team quite often, and had about a 185 avg on that league, while I had a 205 on another.

 I got in the handicap pot ( because too many people were chicken, they didn't even have a scratch pot) and shot 720, winning all the games and totals.

 You should have heard people crying and whining.  The next week I was told I was " inelligible" and wasn't allowed to get in the pots, period!
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Pat Patterson

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Re: Handicap Pot Dilema
« Reply #5 on: April 03, 2004, 10:39:07 AM »
To Pero,

I am not the Pat Patterson of the early 60's, although I did hold PBA membership in the Southwest Region in the early 90's.  Thanks for even mentioning me with "The Great Pat Patterson" of the early years of the PBA.

  Pat Patterson
"The Navajo Tribe"
Pat Patterson
Pat Patterson