I was a lower average bowler once. I'm guessing none of us came out of the womb bowling scratch. But we are still here and still bowling. But I see your point.
Usually a majority vote at the beginning of the season sets the handicap. I guess a true test would be to bring it up for a vote and see how many hands get raised. I know for a fact it would never pass where I'm at. But I thought I'd throw it out there to you guys and get some feedback. Good or bad.
The problem, at least in my area, is the average age of league bowlers. Most of use are at least 40 with ages going all the way up to the mid 90's.
There is the occasional "new" bowler, but I would guess that %80+ of these folks have been bowling for years. They would like to improve on their 160-200 average, but at this point in their life/bowling career, it ain't gonna happen and they know it.
So if you give them a handicapping system where they have zero chance to be competitive, they will be at bingo
on Tuesday nights instead of bowling .