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Author Topic: Bowling vs. Golf......Sanctioning  (Read 631 times)


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Bowling vs. Golf......Sanctioning
« on: September 05, 2008, 12:05:49 AM »
Just for comparison's sake.  Golf.  I pay may state assn. fee thru WSGA Wisconsin State Golf Assn. and it's $30 annual.  How it breaks down to Nat'l USGA and state I have no idea.  There is no local golf assn. For that you can track handicap and post your scores on-line.

My USBC dues are $20. From what I receive from our local association and what I want to support locally.....I'd say that bowling is a much better value.  Although, I do NOT support the USBC move to Texas.  More waste IMO.

For bowling it's all what you receive support wise at a local level and how involved in your local/city tourney's.




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Re: Bowling vs. Golf......Sanctioning
« Reply #1 on: September 05, 2008, 01:13:48 PM »
About the same here, it is wrapped up in my men's club dues so I'm not sure but $25 to $30.

And don't forget the honor score rings and patches you get in bowling as well.


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Re: Bowling vs. Golf......Sanctioning
« Reply #2 on: September 05, 2008, 01:33:20 PM »
The "club" I belong to travels around every other Sunday to play. I am sec/treas, and I pay our handicap chairman about 10 bucks per person for the handicap service we use. I don't know how many also are USGA members, but that is done on an individual basis by the golfer. I think I paid 25 bucks for that this year, and I got a US Open hat and the magazine.

It always amazed me how people complain about the 20 bucks a year for USBC, but shell out that much for booze before the first game is over.
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