This should be a fun league. 90% of the highest average in the league is not unreasonable by any stretch of the imagination. Some of the people who replied were a little curt, but they were telling the truth, as I also see it.
This summer I joined a new league, also mixed handicap. I learned the handicap was 80% of 200, even though there are several of us who are well above 200. I questioned the secretary, very discreetly, because I'm a newbie here, didn't know him and dodn't want to sound nasty. I pointed out that there were people above that. He said he knew and that was the league rule. It's not fair. And there's no negative handicap. So be it.
Several years ago, the ABC (before it became the USBC) did a handicap study. It was learned that to make things even, handicap in such a league should be 110% of the highest average. Only then would a lower average team win 50% of the time against a higher average team. That would actually even the scores.
WHat do you think would happen if you proposed a handicap percentage of 110% ??
Just be lucky you got away with your 25+ pins over 200 for so many years.
"None are so blind as those who will not see."