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Author Topic: "Bringing a ball back to 4000"  (Read 987 times)


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"Bringing a ball back to 4000"
« on: February 19, 2009, 10:34:35 PM »
If I recall correctly from some previous posts on here, the way to bring the surface of a ball to 4000 grit would be to start at a lower grit abralon pad and work your way towards 4000?

Would you still spin the ball with the abralon pads in quadrants?  Or would you do halves until you got to 4000, then do it in quadrants?

Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks guys,
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Joe Jr

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Re: "Bringing a ball back to 4000"
« Reply #1 on: February 20, 2009, 06:39:01 AM »
I'll generally start at 1000 then work my way up, hitting the ball on 4 sides with each grit.
My Vid

Edited on 2/20/2009 7:39 AM


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Re: "Bringing a ball back to 4000"
« Reply #2 on: February 24, 2009, 02:37:13 AM »
It depends whether I do a complete re-surfacing or just touch up the surface.
For a full job, I do pretty much the same as squid, getting finer with every step from a maroon pad (320 grit or so) base.

For e refreshment, I sand the surface from 4 sides with a 1.500 grit mesh, and then use a 2.000 and finally a 4.000 Abralon pad , each from 4 sides with lots of water.
DizzyFugu - Reporting from Germany

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DizzyFugu ~ Reporting from Germany