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Author Topic: hard decisions  (Read 6154 times)


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hard decisions
« on: September 24, 2016, 08:44:06 AM »
With so many new releases coming out, how does one decide? I am so tempted to pull the trigger on the mission unknown. I think I am going to hold out for the columbia impulse. What will be your next ball purchase?



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Re: hard decisions
« Reply #16 on: September 24, 2016, 04:38:14 PM »
With so many new releases coming out, how does one decide? I am so tempted to pull the trigger on the mission unknown. I think I am going to hold out for the columbia impulse. What will be your next ball purchase?

Like it was said before you have to identify the gap in your lineup and go from there. That still leaves a lot of options to sort through, especially in the medium oil/moderate reaction range, but it's a good start.

Then narrowing it down by preferred core numbers, core shapes, coverstocks you have or haven't had success with in the past, or even companies you just don't like helps too. It's definitely a process these days if you don't just want to leave it up to your pro shop to decide.

What's nice is that just about everything coming out is really quality stuff so the chances of getting a dud are reduced. The most common misfire I see around here are balls being too strong for what people want them for. Not a big surprise and I try to steer them in the right direction when I can but some comfort zones when buying equipment are hard to break out of.


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Re: hard decisions
« Reply #17 on: September 24, 2016, 04:44:53 PM »

Granted, there is no high end assym pearl, but I really don't match up with them. Usually too much off the spot. Last assym pearl I matched up with was the Nuts Pearl. Network was good, but so much midlane. If I ever get to the point where I need an assym pearl, I could probably subbing another ball.
Many of the high end assm pearls are not too much off the spot. The Columbia Swerve FX is very controllable. The Radical Guru Limited, while a little more aggressive, is still very controllable. These are not the lower end floppy pearls most bowlers are familiar with.
In any case, that was just one example. I could have also pointed out that Motiv doesn't offer a heavy oil solid symmetric in the same category as the Hammer Scandal. That might not be in your "match up" category either, but the point is that it's not an option if you're only with Motiv.
Consider all the tradeoffs before pledging allegiance to one single bowling flag.
« Last Edit: September 24, 2016, 05:08:20 PM by Steven »


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Re: hard decisions
« Reply #18 on: September 24, 2016, 05:19:45 PM »

Granted, there is no high end assym pearl, but I really don't match up with them. Usually too much off the spot. Last assym pearl I matched up with was the Nuts Pearl. Network was good, but so much midlane. If I ever get to the point where I need an assym pearl, I could probably subbing another ball.
Many of the high end assm pearls are not too much off the spot. The Columbia Swerve FX is very controllable. The Radical Guru Limited, while a little more aggressive, is still very controllable. These are not the lower end floppy pearls most bowlers are familiar with.
In any case, that was just one example. I could have also pointed out that Motiv doesn't offer a heavy oil solid symmetric in the same category as the Hammer Scandal. That might not be in your "match up" category either, but the point is that it's not an option if you're only with Motiv.
Consider all the tradeoffs before pledging allegiance to one single bowling flag.
this is now 2 posts by you to turn Doom away from Motiv. Why? Nobody offers a ball like the Scandal in the symmetric category. The Remix and Havoc are plenty of ball fot even the heaviest of conditions. Doom never said the line was perfect, but it offers what he needs.


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Re: hard decisions
« Reply #19 on: September 24, 2016, 05:28:06 PM »
I agree with the op...way to much awesome stuff coming out...i could literally buy 20 balls and still not have everything I wanna try out


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Re: hard decisions
« Reply #20 on: September 24, 2016, 05:32:39 PM »
this is now 2 posts by you to turn Doom away from Motiv. Why? Nobody offers a ball like the Scandal in the symmetric category. The Remix and Havoc are plenty of ball fot even the heaviest of conditions. Doom never said the line was perfect, but it offers what he needs.

I made it clear earlier that I wasn't picking on Motiv. That the problems with the "one company only" mentality applies to all companies.
Doom or anyone else can stick with Motiv or whatever company they choose to be a fanboy of. The point is to at least do it with your eyes open and understand the whole picture.


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Re: hard decisions
« Reply #21 on: September 24, 2016, 06:09:52 PM »
Go back and read your posts.  You seem to be trying every way you can to discourage Impending Doom from going completely to Motiv.
I  personally admire Impending Doom for trying something different.  Storm/Roto is not the end all in choosing a brand.
I completely agree with tkkshop's post.  Impending Doom knows what he is doing and what he wants to do, let him determine what's best for him.


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Re: hard decisions
« Reply #22 on: September 24, 2016, 06:30:47 PM »
I wrote and read my own posts. I started by saying that I wasn't picking on Motiv in particular, and that I didn't think any company has it covered top to bottom. If this eluded you, it's clearly there to check out.
I jumped into this line of discussion because two posters took the post in this direction first. Anything written is fair game to be respectfully challenged. Its actually healthy to debate two sides of a position, so I jumped in. If you're offended by open and reasonable discussion, you might want to examine your motivations for being on a forum designed to explore different angles.
BTW, doom is a big boy and he's going to do what he wants regardless. Give him credit for being able to process information and make up his own mind.
« Last Edit: September 24, 2016, 06:33:52 PM by Steven »

Impending Doom

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Re: hard decisions
« Reply #23 on: September 24, 2016, 06:48:37 PM »
Thanks for looking out for me, everyone.

Steven, you're right. They don't have a "complete" arsenal, but I've been in the game for a bit. Watch older ball motion videos of Motivs and you will see very smooth ball motion across the board. They're upped their game and now have a more complete look across the board.

I'll be straight. For my game, Storm covers are garbage. Even my Dream On is sometimes too much off the spot, and the Respect, Moxie, and OG Dream rolled like dung for me. It almost feels like they tweaked S70 too.

I was a huge Track guy before the Ebonite buyout, so I stopped throwing them. Knew the covers and cores wouldn't be the same, so I tried some MoRich until 900 Global came along. I'm actually glad I have some NIB goodies from them.

But their covers have changed, I dont match up to the newer covers, time to try something new.

I'll always be a one company kinda guy, but until I find a Motiv reaction that replaces a global ball, I'll mix and match.


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Re: hard decisions
« Reply #24 on: September 24, 2016, 07:05:20 PM »
Doom, a very reasonable and rational response. You've posted here long enough for there be no doubt that you understand your game and have done your homework. Still, I like to post and play devil's advocate for a different point of view to stimulate conversation, and maybe get others to think in areas they haven't.
In any case, I've got to believe that between 900Global and Motiv, you'll find what you're looking for. Good luck.


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Re: hard decisions
« Reply #25 on: September 24, 2016, 07:05:27 PM »
I might be switching to motiv eventually too. I don't like the way they are evolving at storm.  They can't out do the HYROAD's, Marvel's, virtuals and cells....they keep releasing it all overseas and most of this new stuff is crap.

I never sell balls as quickly as I do now. I got rid of the fight and phaze after less than 10 games each.

I had to go buy a hyroad again lol. 

They need to stop trying to reinvent the wheel.  U don't see the pros using the shotty releases either on TV. 

I feel the new inception and truth are garbage too. Zero staffer hype.  Barnes looked horrendous with it on the wolf (even though it was the wrong ball I feel for the patter )...

Motiv just keeps peaking my interest. If I start with anything it's a venom shock....

« Last Edit: September 24, 2016, 07:11:09 PM by billdozer »
In the bag [Infinite Physix, Volatility Torque, Night Road, Phaze III, Burner Solid, Hustle AU]
*Now Testing* IQ Ruby, Renevant, another IQ Tour solid
Coming soon...???


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Re: hard decisions
« Reply #26 on: September 24, 2016, 07:19:02 PM »
Motiv has released 4 shiny asymmetric balls in 10 years. It's not a market that they try and persue. Just shine the Trident and it's as angular as the next asym.


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Re: hard decisions
« Reply #27 on: September 24, 2016, 07:43:07 PM »
Just purchased the mission unknown, advertising sucked me in. but i mostly throw motiv and amf.
I will say i did not match up well with the forza redline but the other 8 motiv balls i have are all great.I also will buy the FEAR as the primal rage is in my opinion the best ball they have produced

Impending Doom

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Re: hard decisions
« Reply #28 on: September 24, 2016, 08:17:27 PM »
I got a Redline for free, and it's at the shop all plugged up and waiting for me. I haven't heard stellar reviews about it, so I'm not hoping for much. However, I do have a inside line on a Revolt. That, I'm excited about.


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Re: hard decisions
« Reply #29 on: September 24, 2016, 08:30:58 PM »
I got a Redline for free, and it's at the shop all plugged up and waiting for me. I haven't heard stellar reviews about it, so I'm not hoping for much. However, I do have a inside line on a Revolt. That, I'm excited about.
Covert Revolt or Revolt Havoc?


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Re: hard decisions
« Reply #30 on: September 24, 2016, 08:31:44 PM »
I myself was a loyal Storm/Roto guy for many years, and got tired myself of the recycled cores/covers myself before I too started Switching over to Motiv.

I have to say that with me purchasing the Covert Revolt,  Venom Shock, and the Primal Rage, that they have made me a believer in their products.