FWIW I agree with LuvThatWhiteDot. That much tracking is EXTREMELY rare. I suspect you are bowling on very old and very beaten up wood or synthetic lanes. that should not be happening to any ball, no matter how soft it is. It normally takes, I'd guess, 25 games bfore a track begins to show. It should be 50-100 before one would even begin to think about re-surfacing such a ball.
FYI balls that flare very little or bowler's releases without a lot of revs will flare very little and such balls track in the same place. They will show wear sooner. The Dry Heat should flare very little and that might show wear, a definite track, earlier, but still take much more than 10 games to show it. I think something else is wrong.
"We get old too fast, and too late, smart."