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Author Topic: Has any team every accomplished this???  (Read 663 times)


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Has any team every accomplished this???
« on: November 23, 2004, 01:16:20 PM »
Has any team had a clean series??  Our 4 man team tonight was clean through the first 18 frames, with our 2nd bowler missing the 3,10 in the 9th frame of the second game.  We wound up missing 4 spares for the 3 game set.  After the first game we noticed that none of us had an open frame and were wondering how long we could keep it going.  Unforunately we didn't strike at all the first game and shot 848, then we shot 970ish and 940ish the 2nd and 3rd game.  So just wondering if anyone else out there has been on a team who had a clean series.

University of Central Florida + Brunswick = Collegiate Domination



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Re: Has any team every accomplished this???
« Reply #1 on: November 23, 2004, 10:06:55 PM »
No.  The record for fewest opens in a series is 1.  Two teams are in the record book with that accomplishment.

Burghardt Optical, Toledo, OH, April 15, 1996 (3744 with one miss).
Watson Pool and Spa, Benton, AR, February 27, 2003 (3809 with one miss).

By the way, you just missed making the record book by one open.

Two teams had two opens and two teams had three opens.

Edited to add:  Those records are for five-man teams, three game series.

Great bowling.
I just want 2C was'zzub.

I am the SGT Schultz of bowling.
"I know nothing! I see nothing! NOTHING!"

Edited on 11/23/2004 11:12 PM
Six decades of league bowling and still learning.

ABC/USBC Lifetime Member since Aug 1995.


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Re: Has any team every accomplished this???
« Reply #2 on: November 24, 2004, 12:26:06 AM »
Well damn, so if i don't chop the 6,10 in the tenth we get in the books.  I wonder though what it would take to actually have it recognized.  There might be some teams that have done it and haven't done anything about it.  Also the league is only 4 person so we might not have gotten any credit.  We'll try harder next week.

University of Central Florida + Brunswick = Collegiate Domination