This question/topic/idea came to me as I was reading posts on this board regarding 'sandbagging'.
In golf, the USGA requires amateur golfers to use their LOWEST handicap when playing in handicapped events. For example, a golfer belongs to two different clubs. At Club A, he has a 7 handicap. At Club B, he has a 5 handicap. If he plays in any USGA governed event, he MUST use his 5 handicap in competition.
Should the ABC require a bowler to use his HIGHEST league average in all ABC sanctioned events and leagues for handicapping purposes?
For example...if a bowler bowls in three different leagues and has averages of 183, 186, and 189...should he/she be handicapped based on his/her highest league average of 189 for all leagues? Or, maybe, have a "house" average which would take into account all games bowled in all leagues and that would be his average, for handicapping purposes, for all leagues/events in which he/she bowls.
Certainly, there are some circumstances that this couldn't/shouldn't be followed like a Sport Bowling league...but for all other "normal" leagues, don't you think this would be a better/more equitable way to handicap bowlers?
I think this would certainly help to limit "sandbagging" could never completely be eliminated unless you get rid of handicaps altogher.
That which doesn't kill you will only make you stronger, that which doesn't make you stronger is a waste of time!