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Author Topic: Has anyone ever been to a Ebonite/Hammer/Buzzsaw Demo day?  (Read 4861 times)


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Has anyone ever been to a Ebonite/Hammer/Buzzsaw Demo day?
« on: July 22, 2003, 05:18:38 AM »
I just got back from a Ebonite/Hammer demo day and Bill Pursel put on a great sales pitch, Dave Wodka and Vince Wood helped out great on the lanes.

The Player did not arrive to test and there was no V2 dry to test and the Hammers were a flop IMHO ( I know I'll catch heck about that) with the exception of the Sling Blade.

But I bought in my Super Carbide and Cherry Bomb as my compare balls to the V2 Strong (great ball) Shooter XL and the other Hammer bowling balls.  I was on lane 1 and 2 and nobody could find the pocket with ANY of the bowling balls they were throwing, said the lanes were too dry and moved to a pair that had a lot more lane oil in the middle.  I tried the V2 strong a couple of times then took ou my Cherry Bomb and crushed the pocket time after time.  Everyone throwing Ebonite and Hammer bowling balls moved to another pair.  Then I moved even further left anmd used my Super carbide, Dave even stopped coming down, I was destroying the rack.  Once in a while I would throw the XL and the V2 Strong just to be fair, but the Cherry Bomb was just ripping the rack and making it look easy.  Then my Cherry Bomb didn't come back.  I called and I called and no one would answer.  I walked over to 3 and 4 and used their intercom to get the front desk, they answered, so I told them, ball on lane 2.  No luck.  I did not get that ball back for about 30 minutes, just so happened that was when the session ended.  I'm not saying anything funny was going on, but it sure was coincidental.  

Even though the Player was not there to try I ordered one (had to order becuase they didn't show at the demo) because I like the coverstock on the V2 solid and the propeller core.  I was suppose to get two bowling balls, one Ebonite and one Hammer for going to the Demo for pro shop owners/operators, but I donated the Hammer ball to the shop since they paid my entrance.

Has anyone else had similar experiences?

Nicanor (Ten On The Deck)



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Re: Has anyone ever been to a Ebonite/Hammer/Buzzsaw Demo day?
« Reply #1 on: July 22, 2003, 08:38:42 PM »
I loved my Hammer Demo Day experience.  Back when I went they had the Vicious, Vicious Pearl, Vicious Particle, Diesel, Diesel Particle Pearl, Diesel Reactive, Blade, Blade Pearl, and Blade Particle.  The shot was your typical house wall but I noticed some of the stuff just seemed to finish so much harder and give me a I was using a Colossus Pearl, Quantum Raven, El Nino 2000, and a Mike AUlby MVP at that time.  The Blade Particle, Diesel Particle Pearl and Blade Pearl were my favorites.  I didn't care for any of the Vicious balls or the Blade Solid.  Mike Machuga was there and he really made it a good experience with helping people out on the lanes and offering advice on surface adjustments to tune reactions of the balls and offering drilling recommendations.  

BTW, how did you like the Shooter XL?  I just bought one and I love it.  Excellent lighter condition ball but most people will look past it since everyone wants the biggest hooking ball availible to impress their fellow house bowlers.  That's the main problem I see with people.  Everyone wants to buy a ball, they don't want to buy a reaction.


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Re: Has anyone ever been to a Ebonite/Hammer/Buzzsaw Demo day?
« Reply #2 on: July 22, 2003, 08:51:10 PM »
 How did the Blade particel compare to the Diesel Particle Pearl?
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Re: Has anyone ever been to a Ebonite/Hammer/Buzzsaw Demo day?
« Reply #3 on: July 22, 2003, 10:34:57 PM »
The Diesel Particle Pearl was more aggressive than the Blade Particle, but was still pretty flippy.  The Blade particle was ealier and more rolly.  Then again, I was using the blade particle drilled for a lefty so the pin and CG were stacked under my middle finger instead of the ring so that will naturally take some hook out of the ball.  Nothing finished harder than the Diesels though.


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Re: Has anyone ever been to a Ebonite/Hammer/Buzzsaw Demo day?
« Reply #4 on: July 22, 2003, 10:42:36 PM »
Nic, I went to an Ebonite demo days a couple of years ago. The lanes were pretty juiced up. A buddy of mine was throwing all their stuff, without too much success. Their balls just went too long and he couldn't get lined up.

So, he pulled out his newly drilled Buzzsaw Carbide LRG, and just wheeled it. That ball just opened up the lane. He destroyed about 10 racks in a row, while the Ebonite guys just looked on. They said that Lane #1 makes great stuff, then they just went about their business. Oh well. =:^D


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Re: Has anyone ever been to a Ebonite/Hammer/Buzzsaw Demo day?
« Reply #5 on: July 22, 2003, 10:55:24 PM »
i recently went to a hammer demo days PJ MASSEY helped put it on it is well worth your time. where elese can you try out diffent balls and drillings before buying? the staff was just great and helped out me a lot. pj is a staff member with hammer and has thrown 9 300 in a year or less with the new hammer stuff. i bought the blade solid and pearl.


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Re: Has anyone ever been to a Ebonite/Hammer/Buzzsaw Demo day?
« Reply #6 on: July 23, 2003, 01:24:22 AM »
I was at the same demo days as BrianN.  Kendra, John, and the others were very helpful.  They had plenty of balls to throw, but the one I wanted to throw the most (Diesel Particle Pearl) was MIA.  I'm very picky about my fit, so I had a hard time getting a good read on the equipment.  They had plenty of tape, but there was no way to change the bevel.  I don't seem to match up with low RG stuff, so I thought everything they had rolled too early and everything hooked about the same.  Hit in general was below average.  I threw my own stuff often to keep a good feel, and to compare the hook shape and hit.  I didn't see anything I wanted to buy.  Nothing impressed me very much and the prices were high.  The $10 I paid for the demo days was money well spent.  I got to try a bunch of stuff without having to buy anything that didn't match up with me.
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Re: Has anyone ever been to a Ebonite/Hammer/Buzzsaw Demo day?
« Reply #7 on: July 23, 2003, 02:01:54 AM »
I have many Ebonite bowling balls and quite a few Hammer bowling balls and I work with them all the time.  I just can't get comfortable with Ebonite and Hammer.  I am carrying the Blade sold, Vicious particle and seven or eight Ebonite balls but when its time for league and tournaments, I basically throw Lane 1 or Brunswick.  I do like the Illusion though and I hope o work with other Ebonite equipment.

The people that put on the Demo days (it was not for everyone, just pro shop owners/operators) was done professionally but one thing that most of us noticed, ALL the new balls are made up of old components.

Apex Core in the new predator, V2 sanded on the Player with the propeller core, the Adrenaline coverstock on other bowling balls.  All they did was mix and match old stuff, no ne technology.  So why are the bowling balls so expensive?  There wasn't one thing new in reference to bowling balls, it was all old technology, old cores and coverstocks put together to make different bowling balls and yes I understand that mixing the coverstocks and cores make somewhat of a new ball, but the inexpensive way.  These balls shouldn't cost more then the Blade series balls IMHO.

Nicanor (Ten On The Deck)


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Re: Has anyone ever been to a Ebonite/Hammer/Buzzsaw Demo day?
« Reply #8 on: July 23, 2003, 07:32:21 AM »
Have to jump in for a comment .. I went to the DEMO DAYS in NC .. my first. LOVED IT. Although I didn't buy a ball while there .. shortly after my return I picked up the BLADE - PARTICLE .. very happy with it.

What I don't understand is NIC commenting on COSTS of HAMMER balls and talking about using LANE 1 balls .. LANE 1 balls are much more expensive and honestly .. the LANE 1 balls don't rate that PRICE!

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Re: Has anyone ever been to a Ebonite/Hammer/Buzzsaw Demo day?
« Reply #9 on: July 23, 2003, 10:00:27 AM »

I didn't say that Lane 1 balls weren't overpriced, I agree with you, though I still throw them.  What I was trying to say was that since Ebonite has all the technology for the new balls coming out and it is old cores and old coverstocks, they should be able to lower thier prices of the high end bowling balls. I still throw the Blade solid and the Vicious Particle and once in a while the Vicious and Vicious Pearl, but I did not like the Diesel line at all and now I know why.  The Diesel line with all the differential it has, is not a strong back end ball.  So I was looking for something that wasn't suppose to be there.  The Diesel Turbo is worst of all thinking that itys a hook monster when it is a very controllable great carrying heavier oil ball.  This is not meant to be a slam, just how Bill Pursel counterpart for Hammer explained the Vicious, Diesel and Blade line of bowling balls to us.

Nicanor (Ten On The Deck)


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Re: Has anyone ever been to a Ebonite/Hammer/Buzzsaw Demo day?
« Reply #10 on: July 23, 2003, 10:17:42 AM »
Nic .. I apologize for my misinterpreting.
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      J O E - F A L C O
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Re: Has anyone ever been to a Ebonite/Hammer/Buzzsaw Demo day?
« Reply #11 on: July 23, 2003, 12:06:28 PM »
No need to apoligize Joe.  I understood what you were talking about.  Maybe I just wasn't as clear in my first post.  I will be testing the Shooter, XL and the Player here very soon and I can see if I can work with them.  I like the concept of the Player because I like the core/weightblock in the Warrior and the coverstock on the V2 sanded is one of the all time best IMHO.  We'll see.

Nicanor (Ten On The Deck)


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Re: Has anyone ever been to a Ebonite/Hammer/Buzzsaw Demo day?
« Reply #12 on: July 23, 2003, 12:28:55 PM »

I agree with your statement about Demo balls pin and cg placement.  I had several of my Ebonite balls drilled similar and they seemed to roll out/burn up (stop hooking like hook and set).

Both Vince Wood and Dave Wodka told me to put the pin above or below the ring finger and kick the CG out 45 degrees between the thumb and PAP and that would give me more length (drilling the Shooter).  I thought kicking the cg right toward the PAP helped induce roll to read the mid lane better not to give it added length.  Does the Ebonite bowling balls with the propeller weightblock induce length when the CG is kicked right 45 degrees from the pin?  It sounds like a 10:0 drilling to me which induces roll not length.  I'm confused.

Nicanor (Ten On The Deck)

Michael DeSantis

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Re: Has anyone ever been to a Ebonite/Hammer/Buzzsaw Demo day?
« Reply #13 on: July 23, 2003, 01:25:36 PM »
Have gone to an Ebonite Demo Days and a Hammer Challenge (the one in nC with Strider, Joe Falco, etc.)

I thoroughly enjoyed trying out the different varieties of offerings and could have gone on experimenting for more than the hour available.  Money well-spent.

I had my own Ebonite Afterburner for comparisons both times.  The Afterburner is for lighter oil, and both Demos had what I would call a medium-heavy condition.  I have pretty slow ball speed and I am sort of a "power stroker."

In any event, of the Ebonite test balls at the time, I was most impressed with the Apex Adrenaline.  Of the Hammers, I had very good success with the Blade Particle.
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Re: Has anyone ever been to a Ebonite/Hammer/Buzzsaw Demo day?
« Reply #14 on: July 23, 2003, 01:36:20 PM »
Nic, early roll can and does translate into more length. A ball that's rolling early, means that it won't jerk hard off the dry, hooking less. Less hook looks like it's going longer. So, a ball or drilling that has an early roll/less length, actually looks like more length on the lanes. =:^D

Edited on 7/23/2003 1:47 PM