Thats my Question,it happened to me about 2 hours ago .
I'll Explain,this 220 Average bowler(aka real name
is Bob)tells me "are YOU gonna join the Winter Sport
League OR just pratice on the Sport Shot Buffer"?
He even pre explained that a REAL MAN has to bowl in
a Sport Shot League to be better,not a BUFFER lane player,which has the SAME
EXACT OIL PATTERN,but NO actual competition.He said this,it sounded like he was
calling me out,or hinting that way.Maybe,it was to psyche me out,especially with
the oooohhh,the house is for REAL AMATEURS,you wanna be better,do it
with Sport only,other than that,haaaaaaaaaa!!No excuse.
Hey!!I do not need to improve by force or psyche out,when I'm ready,I'll let
him know,he just chuckled,then I left,yeesh,I think I just got PSYCHED OUT more than CALLED OUT!!!!
So I told Him,"I wasn't ready yet for various reasons"he tells me,I know
you pretty good,BUT I dont wanna hear about Sport Shot Lingo,unless YOU
play it C-O-M-P-E-T-I-O-N wise!!
I'm a non schlant mousy housy fun bowler,I didn't know ya had to
bowl in a Sport Shot League to Impress anyone???
I normslly Post the fun/weird stuff,but this kinda and slightly bugged
me,Sooooooo I was curious and I'll be OK by tomorrow...
..Oh Split!!I is tomorrow!!
Well,what would you do?

Thats all,just curious.
moral ta post;Me thinks this guy made fun of me for being
a regular League House Bowler!