an orthopedic surgeon can do surgery on just about any tendon in the body. a specialist does only one area. mine did shoulders, his brother did knees, his dad did hips. my ortho (thru the 1st 3 on my bowling arm, bone spurs and torn tendons) left a screw sticking out of my shoulder about 1/16" that was supposed to be coutersunk, helping the tendon to reattach to the bone. by screwing up, every time i went to physical therapy, the screw was tearing more tendons when the therapist was trying to break up the scar tissue. after 2 more surgeries ( 3 total ) he decided to send me to a specialist who found the mistake in 5 minutes, he removed everything that was done thru the 1st 3 surgeries and re-did the whole procedure. i know mine is a horror story, but i basically went with the insurance doctor, not knowing that the specialist was covered in our plan as well. it's just my opinion, but if your insurance includes a specialist, that would be my 1st choice. if i stepped on any toes about orhto's, i'm sorry, like i said, that was just my experience.