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Author Topic: Weight of a ball for an 8 year old?  (Read 8713 times)


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Weight of a ball for an 8 year old?
« on: March 21, 2011, 02:56:54 AM »
My son, who is 8, has been bowling since 4 and he throws an 10 pound tropical storm with NO finger tips, averaging a 130.  He seems to be throwing it in the 14 MPH range when I don't get all over him about throwing too hard.  He is getting no movement (hook) on his ball for the last few months while his speed seems to have gone up.  If I get him to tone it down, his movement is back but seems to hit with too little power to get strikes.  He is always leaving a 5 pin or the 5 and 8 pins.  I was tossing around the idea of getting him a heavier ball (with or without fingertips) or keeping it at 10 pounds and switching him to a finger tip ball.  I was hoping to get some suggestions here.  What are everyone's thoughts?  Thanks in advance


Urethane Game

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Re: Weight of a ball for an 8 year old?
« Reply #1 on: March 21, 2011, 11:29:17 AM »
Pretty sure the standard advice was one pound of weight per year so I'd say 10 is more than heavy.  If it were me, I'd worry more about technique and less about results/pin carry at that age.  

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Re: Weight of a ball for an 8 year old?
« Reply #2 on: March 21, 2011, 11:37:04 AM »
My son is 9 years old and uses a 14lb slingshot.


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Re: Weight of a ball for an 8 year old?
« Reply #3 on: March 21, 2011, 11:42:22 AM »
Thanks for the input.  I agree form is important and he does have some holes but they arent too bad really for an 8 year old.  Im just concerned because he seems to be easily throwing the ball and not getting the carry that he needs.  The ball seems to be bouncing off the pins more than driving through them, hence the 5 and 5/8 pin leaves.  I think if I can get the hook back in his game these leaves will disappear.  I too hear that 1 pound per age or 10% of body weight but then he should be throwing an 8 or 6 pounder and that is way too light....  thanks again.

Urethane Game

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Re: Weight of a ball for an 8 year old?
« Reply #4 on: March 21, 2011, 11:59:15 AM »
I think 130 is good for an eight year old.  The notion of "carry he needs" is debatable for someone that young.  I think you'd have to make a pretty significant jump in weight to see an improvement in carry and at some point he's going to lose that ball speed and have trouble controlling the ball.  Just my two cents.
Back in the day this was a highly reviewed bowling ball on this site.  Perhaps this would help? 

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Re: Weight of a ball for an 8 year old?
« Reply #5 on: March 21, 2011, 12:12:20 PM »
He won't see much of an increase in carry by adding a couple of pounds from that starting weight. It would be better in the long term for him to start managing a finger tip drill and focusing on mechanics over scores and averages. Can't tell you how many bowlers I know that are experts at making the 10 pin, because their strike balls hit so flat and weak (and they're throwing 15/16). Yet they never attempt to make a mechanical change to fix that problem. He's better off learning how to manage a balls energy at the pins now than worrying about leaving 5 pins because of the balls lack of weight. That won't really last long (kids grow fast).
Move him up in weight by a pound each starting at 12. I would say go from 10 to 12, then 13 > 14 > 15(16).  I'm assuming that most balls start using a real core around 12 to 13 pounds as well, which should alleviate some of the problem.

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Re: Weight of a ball for an 8 year old?
« Reply #6 on: March 21, 2011, 01:03:03 PM »
Very simple formula. Take his weight divide it by 10, round it to the nearest number and then I will normally add one pound and that is the ball weight. This is what we were taught in youth coaching classes and is how I grew up and it has always seemed to work well.

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Re: Weight of a ball for an 8 year old?
« Reply #7 on: March 22, 2011, 07:55:09 AM »
You'll have to evanuate his style and decide on weight.  Some 8 year olds can't handle a 6 lb ball well while others can handle 13 lbs.  If he swings the ball with a pendulum swing without muscling it he can handle more weight than if he muscles it.  As you've described him and if he has the desire, I'd suggest waiting until his league is over then plugging the finger holes on the Tropical and redrilling for fingertip.  Your driller will have to tell you if that will work or if the thumb will have to be plugged also.  Then let him bowl with that for a month or so and reevaluate.  --  JohnP


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Re: Weight of a ball for an 8 year old?
« Reply #8 on: March 22, 2011, 10:44:35 AM »
Why is it so important that he's carrying better now? 


I have a 12 and 9 year old that I admittedly get a little excited when they do well, but I'm trying to control how much I push them forward.  I feel your anxiousnous.


I've had discussions with several respected coaches that share my feelings that kids this age should be focused on technique even at the expense of scoring better.  Every proud parent wants their child to be the next prodigy, but you'll be better off in the long run to teach fundamentals now.  Fundamentals are much easier to learn with a simple conventional grip and a ball that is easy to handle. 


Being good at 8 means he'll beat some 10-12 year olds.  So what?  Teach him great skills now so that when he's 12, he's giving you a run for your money. 


Also, wait on fingertip a few more years.  Everyone is different, but too often kids struggle if moved up too soon. 


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Re: Weight of a ball for an 8 year old?
« Reply #9 on: May 14, 2011, 04:18:28 AM »
I'm a coach in my kids Junior program.  I've seen parents who try to push the kids and end up pushing them right out of the game. If he's having fun that's really all that matters. When they are that young the most important thing is their technique not the results.


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Re: Weight of a ball for an 8 year old?
« Reply #10 on: May 14, 2011, 06:53:22 AM »
I agree with most of the comments here so far.  Unless he is slinging it due to it being to light I would not change.  Another thing to be careful of at that age is moving into a fingertip grip.  Youngsters depending on body build may not be able to handle the stress involved of the fingertip grip.  Small thin fingers and joints are not like adults.  I will normally not drill fingertips drills for anyone that their fingers are smaller than the smallest insert.  If you do decide to go ahead and move up be sure to go to an excellent experienced pro shop.  If the span or grip is wrong it may also cause serious injury as well as grabbing the ball/muscling.  Work on technique and fundamentals.

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Re: Weight of a ball for an 8 year old?
« Reply #11 on: May 14, 2011, 07:34:49 AM »
  My concern here is the thought of moving the youth to a fingertip grip at too young of an age. I swear I read something somewhere that said youths could develop hand problems if moved to a fingertip too early. As for the weight, I think only you the parent would know if the ball is too light by talking to your child. At worst, you get a heavier ball and t is too heavy and it get shelved for a few months. When was the last time his grip was checked also, a childs hands change early and often.....